Make your debut as a gardener! You must develop your bamboo grove, create watering places, and attract fish and ladybugs to make your garden a little piece of paradise resplendent with color.
Each turn, one player throws four colored pencils (green, yellow, pink, and blue) then chooses one. The other players choose one of the remaining pencils in turn, then all players simultaneously color on their sheet, one bamboo section corresponding to the same color and to the same symbol as the pencil ring they chose: circle, square, or triangle.
Who will finish their bamboo grove first? Who will be the best gardener? Click below to start a game or do the tutorial to learn how to play this new game:
Let's thank of course the game designers, who are no less than Antoine Bauza & Corentin Lebrat, as well as Bombyx publishing.
And please celebrate the work done by thoun to make it playable on all devices, and the fantastic rendering of the game on browsers.
If you are back from vacation, we wish you the best for this year to come.
But that's a very good start for the 1st release of September!
Let's enjoy the last few weeks before autumn by celebrating colors...
And as always, take care and play fair!
TAKENOKOLOR: Panda palette pen party!
Naredite svoj prvenec kot vrtnar! Razviti morate svoj bambusov nasad, ustvariti mesta za zalivanje ter privabiti ribe in pikapolonice, da bo vaš vrt majhen košček raja, ki bo lesketal v barvah.
Vsak igralec vrže štiri barvne svinčnike (zelen, rumen, roza in moder), nato pa izbere enega. Drugi igralci po vrsti izberejo enega od preostalih svinčnikov, nato pa vsi igralci istočasno pobarvajo na svojem listu en del bambusa, ki ustreza isti barvi in istemu simbolu kot prstan svinčnika, ki so ga izbrali: krog, kvadrat ali trikotnik.
Kdo bo prvi dokončal svoj bambusov nasad? Kdo bo najboljši vrtnar? Kliknite spodaj, da začnete igro ali opravite vadnico, da se naučite igrati to novo igro:
Zahvalimo se seveda oblikovalcem iger, ki sta nič manj kot Antoine Bauza & Corentin Lebrat, pa tudi založbi Bombyx.
Prosim, proslavite delo, ki ga je opravil thoun, da bi jo lahko igrali na vseh napravah, in fantastično upodabljanje igre v brskalnikih.
Če ste se vrnili z dopusta, vam želimo vse najboljše v prihajajočem letu.
Ampak to je zelo dober začetek za 1. izdajo septembra!
Uživajmo zadnje tedne pred jesenjo v praznovanju barv...
In kot vedno, pazite in igrajte pošteno!