Do you know what the GIPF project is?
The GIPF Project is a series of abstract combinatorial strategy games created by Kris Burm between 1997 and 2017, which pit two players against each other.
The project is named after the first game in the series, GIPF.
What the games in the project have in common is that they are played on a hexagon-shaped grid and involve a progressive reduction in terrain. Each game can be played independently, but there are special pieces called “potentials” which a player obtains by winning a game in one of the project's games, and which can be introduced into GIPF to add new features. The various games have achieved great success among strategy games, with YINSH, DVONN and ZÈRTZ winning the Mensa Select2 award.
If you are interested, you can find more information all over the Internet.
Today we are releasing DVONN, which is about piling pieces. It is played on an elongated hexagonal board, with 23 white, 23 black and 3 red DVONN-pieces. In the beginning the board is empty. The players place the pieces on empty spaces of the board, without restrictions. They place the DVONN-pieces first and their own pieces next.
Then they start stacking pieces on top of each other. A single piece may be moved 1 space in any direction, a stack of two pieces may be moved two spaces, etc. A stack must always be moved as a whole and a move must always end on top of another piece or stack. If pieces or stacks lose contact with the DVONN-pieces, they must be removed from the board. The game ends when no more moves can be made. The players put the stacks they control on top of each other and the one with the highest stack is the winner.
If you feel like you're ready to play a game, you can click the link below or try the amazing tutorial included:
And that's it for this Monday!
We would like to thank Kris Burm of course, and the support from the publisher HUCH! for bringing this game to the platform. Also, let's thank EINSTEIN for developing this adaptation to BGA.
Will the other games from the GIPF project come to BGA?
Who knows what the future holds. But we are glad we have this one to start with!
Enjoy your week, and as always,
Take care and play fair!
DVONN: Zdaj je na voljo legendarna abstraktna igra!
Ali veste, kaj je projekt GIPF?
Projekt GIPF je serija abstraktnih kombinatoričnih strateških iger, ki jih je ustvaril Kris Burm med letoma 1997 in 2017 in ki pomerijo dva igralca drug proti drugemu.
Projekt je poimenovan po prvi igri v seriji, GIPF.
Skupno igram v projektu je, da se igrajo na mreži v obliki šesterokotnika in vključujejo progresivno zmanjševanje terena. Vsako igro je mogoče igrati neodvisno, vendar obstajajo posebni deli, imenovani »potenciali«, ki jih igralec pridobi z zmago v igri v eni od iger projekta in ki jih je mogoče uvesti v GIPF za dodajanje novih funkcij. Različne igre so dosegle velik uspeh med strateškimi igrami, saj so YINSH, DVONN in ZÈRTZ osvojile nagrado Mensa Select2.
Če vas zanima, lahko najdete več informacij po vsem internetu.
Danes izdajamo DVONN, ki govori o kopičenju kosov. Igra se na podolgovati šesterokotni plošči s 23 belimi, 23 črnimi in 3 rdečimi DVONN-figurami. Na začetku je tabla prazna. Igralci postavljajo figure na prazne prostore plošče, brez omejitev. Najprej postavijo DVONN-dele in nato svoje.
Nato začnejo zlagati kose enega na drugega. Posamezno figuro je mogoče premakniti za 1 polje v katero koli smer, kup dveh kosov je mogoče premakniti za dve mesti itd. Kup je treba vedno premakniti kot celoto in poteza se mora vedno končati na vrhu drugega kosa ali kupa. Če figure ali nizi izgubijo stik s kosi DVONN, jih je treba odstraniti s plošče. Igra se konča, ko ni več mogoče narediti nobene poteze. Igralci nize, ki jih nadzirajo, postavijo drug na drugega in zmagovalec je tisti z najvišjim kupom.
Če menite, da ste pripravljeni igrati igro, lahko kliknete spodnjo povezavo ali preizkusite vključeno čudovito vadnico:
In to je to za ta ponedeljek!
Seveda bi se radi zahvalili Krisu Burmu in podpori založnika HUCH! za prenos te igre na platformo. Prav tako se zahvalimo EINSTEINU za razvoj te prilagoditve BGA.
Ali bodo druge igre iz projekta GIPF prišle v BGA?
Kdo ve, kaj prinaša prihodnost. Toda veseli smo, da imamo tega za začetek!
Uživajte v tednu in kot vedno,
Pazite se in igrajte pošteno!