Four characters on a quest to turn their luck around forever....
On a stormy night, rumor spreads about a luck potion that one can buy for 20 gold coins on the black market in TREOS. The realm is vast, its forests dark, and the roads dangerous.
Courier runs pay richly, so each one who dares to venture outside the protective walls of their home town...
Collect gold coins, deal with gangs of robbers to outmaneuver your competition, and explore remote corners of the realm using runes. Every step you take needs to be well planned. Your opponents are hot on your heels! After all, who knows how many more potions there are? Whoever manages to collect 20 gold coins the fastest, wins the game.
Players have to choose among 4 asymmetrical characters, deal with highwaymen and other obstacles and - most of all - outmaneuver the competition.
The game is played over several rounds (called days), composed of 5 phases each. Movement cards are drawn and must be chosen wisely, because only the numbers on the cards will reveal the turn order. Each round you will plan three turns, which you will then carry out one by one. This cycle repeats until someone collects 20 gold (or more), thus immediately winning the game.
As if that weren't enough adventure, the map offers a completely new world with every game: the game board can be arranged in more than 1.500 variations!
It's a very interesting game filled with storytelling that you can learn in no-time by starting the tutorial, or simply by clicking the link below:
Let's celebrate the work done by firgon to bring this new game from Lookout Games, and the support from them as well as the game designer Arne aus dem Siepen.
We're glad to have this novelty online for all to enjoy!
That's it for your Wednesday release.
See you next week and until then...
Take care and play fair!
TREOS: Teci skozi gozd! beži!
Štirje liki na iskanju, da bi za vedno spremenili svojo srečo....
V nevihtni noči se širijo govorice o napitku sreče, ki ga je mogoče kupiti za 20 zlatih kovancev na črnem trgu v TREOS-u. Kraljestvo je prostrano, njegovi gozdovi temni in ceste nevarne.
Kurirske vožnje so bogato plačane, zato vsak, ki si upa stopiti izven varovalnih zidov domačega mesta...
Zbirajte zlate kovance, obračunajte se z roparskimi tolpami, da premagate svojo konkurenco, in raziskujte oddaljene kotičke kraljestva z uporabo run. Vsak korak, ki ga naredite, mora biti dobro načrtovan. Vaši nasprotniki so vam za petami! Konec koncev, kdo ve, koliko napitkov je še? Tisti, ki mu uspe najhitreje zbrati 20 zlatnikov, zmaga.
Igralci morajo izbirati med 4 asimetričnimi liki, se spopadati z razbojniki in drugimi ovirami ter – predvsem – prehiteti konkurenco.
Igra poteka v več krogih (imenovanih dnevi), od katerih je vsaka sestavljena iz 5 faz. Karte gibanja so izžrebane in jih je treba izbrati pametno, saj le številke na kartah razkrijejo vrstni red. Vsak krog boste načrtovali tri zavoje, ki jih boste nato izvedli enega za drugim. Ta cikel se ponavlja, dokler nekdo ne zbere 20 zlata (ali več) in tako takoj zmaga v igri.
Kot da to ne bi bilo dovolj avanture, zemljevid ponuja popolnoma nov svet z vsako igro: igralno ploščo je mogoče urediti v več kot 1.500 različicah!
To je zelo zanimiva igra, polna pripovedovanja zgodb, ki se je lahko v hipu naučite tako, da zaženete vadnico, ali preprosto kliknete spodnjo povezavo:
Proslavimo delo, ki ga je opravil firgon, da je predstavil to novo igro iz Lookout Games, ter njihovo podporo in podporo oblikovalca igre Arne aus dem Siepen.
Veseli nas, da imamo to novost na spletu, v kateri lahko vsi uživajo!
To je vse za vašo izdajo v sredo.
Se vidimo naslednji teden, do takrat pa...
Pazite se in igrajte pošteno!