In the Inori Valley, villages are built under a giant sacred tree in which spirits live. All year long, village chiefs make offerings to these spirits and assemble altars in the hope of becoming the Great Tree Guardian for the next year.
For each of the four seasons comprising a complete game of Inori, players place their offering markers on the spirit cards or on altars for the Great Tree. This allows them to activate abilities, earn points, or obtain favor tokens. At the end of a season, a spirit card with all spaces occupied gains bonus points and is replaced, creating new opportunities.
At the end of the game, offerings for the Great Tree give points according to their color for players having the most favors of each color.
The Guardian of the Great Tree for the next year is the player with the most points.
Let's discover this wonderful game by clicking the link below:
And let's thank the Space Cowboys publishing team, as well as Mathieu Aubert and Théo Rivière for their support to bring the game on our platform. Of course, no games without developers and this adaptation has been brought to you by LeSteffen who did a remarkable job.
Play it and let us know your opinion about it!
That's our Monday release, so see you on Wednesday for another game.
Until then, take care and... play fair!
INORI: Postanite najbolj predani varuh Velikega drevesa doline Inori.
V dolini Inori so vasi zgrajene pod ogromnim svetim drevesom, v katerem živijo duhovi. Vse leto vaški poglavarji darujejo tem duhovom in sestavljajo oltarje v upanju, da bodo naslednje leto postali Veliki čuvaj drevesa.
Za vsakega od štirih letnih časov, ki obsegajo celotno igro Inori, igralci položijo svoje oznake daritev na karte duhov ali na oltarje za Veliko drevo. To jim omogoča, da aktivirajo sposobnosti, zaslužijo točke ali pridobijo žetone naklonjenosti. Ob koncu sezone duhovna karta z vsemi zasedenimi prostori pridobi dodatne točke in se zamenja, kar ustvarja nove priložnosti.
Na koncu igre ponudbe za Veliko drevo dajejo točke glede na njihovo barvo za igralce, ki imajo največ naklonjenosti posamezne barve.
Varuh Velikega drevesa za naslednje leto je igralec z največ točkami.
Odkrijmo to čudovito igro s klikom na spodnjo povezavo:
Zahvaljujmo se založniški ekipi Space Cowboys ter Mathieu Aubertu in Théo Rivière za njihovo podporo pri prenosu igre na našo platformo. Seveda ni iger brez razvijalcev in to prilagoditev vam je predstavil LeSteffen, ki je opravil izjemno delo.
Igrajte in nam sporočite svoje mnenje o tem!
To je naša ponedeljkova izdaja, zato se vidimo v sredo na drugi igri.
Do takrat pa pazite in... igrajte pošteno!