The great cities of the world are challenging each other to present the most beautiful festival imaginable. The closing fireworks ceremony, held in all cities, will be the final rose in the crown of the festivities.
In Festival, you select tiles to place on your tableau to create the most impressive and beautiful fireworks display possible...and of course, score the most points! You have two stacks of tiles in front of you, with each neighboring player having access to the stack closest to them; tiles come in four colors and four firework designs. Four stacks of objective cards are in the middle of the table, along with four crowd-pleaser tiles.
On a turn, take a tile from the top of either stack and place it in the 3x3 grid on your board, whether on the ground level or on an existing stack. Alternatively, you can take an objective card from the top of its stack and place it to the left of your board. To end your turn, see whether you have satisfied any of your objectives or the crowd-pleasers that are available to everyone. Move each completed objective to the right of your board.
Whenever a player has completed six objectives or a stack of firework tiles has run out, the game concludes at the end of the round. In addition to scoring completed objectives and claimed crowd-pleasers, you have a target color and firework type depicted on your board. Each tile of this color or type at the top of a stack on your board is worth as many points as the number of tiles in that stack. If a tile matches both color and type, you score it twice.
Can you shoot the right fireworks to victorious heights? Discover it right now by clicking the link below:
Let's celebrate this new release from Scorpion Masqué team, designed by Grégory Gard and developed by jordijansen for you all to enjoy!
That's it for this WRT (Wednesday Release Time)!
See you in a few days for more amazing games, and until then...
Take care and play fair!
FESTIVAL: Priredite spektakularen ognjemet, da bo vašemu mestu zavidal ves svet.
Velika mesta sveta izzivajo druga drugo, da bi predstavila najlepši festival, ki si ga lahko zamislite. Zaključni ognjemet, ki bo potekal v vseh mestih, bo zadnja vrtnica v kroni praznovanja.
Na Festivalu izberete ploščice, ki jih postavite na svojo mizo, da ustvarite najbolj impresiven in najlepši možni ognjemet ... in seveda dosežete največ točk! Pred seboj imate dva niza ploščic, pri čemer ima vsak sosednji igralec dostop do sklada, ki mu je najbližji; ploščice so na voljo v štirih barvah in štirih dizajnih ognjemetov. Štirje sveži kart ciljev so na sredini mize, skupaj s štirimi ploščicami, ki ugajajo množicam.
Na potezi vzemite ploščico z vrha katerega koli sklada in jo postavite v mrežo 3x3 na vaši plošči, bodisi na ravni tal ali na obstoječem kupu. Druga možnost je, da vzamete ciljno karto z vrha njenega sklada in jo postavite na levo stran svoje plošče. Če želite končati svojo vrsto, preverite, ali ste izpolnili katerega od svojih ciljev ali množice, ki je na voljo vsem. Premaknite vsak dosežen cilj na desno od vaše table.
Kadarkoli igralec izpolni šest ciljev ali ko zmanjka kup ploščic za ognjemet, se igra zaključi na koncu kroga. Poleg točkovanja doseženih ciljev in zahtevanih užitkov množice imate na svoji tabli upodobljeno barvo tarče in vrsto ognjemeta. Vsaka ploščica te barve ali vrste na vrhu kupa na vaši plošči je vredna toliko točk, kot je število ploščic v tem kupu. Če se ploščica ujema z barvo in vrsto, jo dobite dvakrat.
Znate ustreliti pravi ognjemet do zmagovitih višin? Odkrijte ga zdaj s klikom na spodnjo povezavo:
Proslavimo to novo izdajo ekipe Scorpion Masqué, ki jo je zasnoval Grégory Gard in razvil jordijansen, da boste vsi uživali!
To je to za ta WRT (Čas objave v sredo)!
Se vidimo čez nekaj dni za več čudovitih iger, do takrat pa...
Pazite se in igrajte pošteno!