In ナナトリドリ (pronounced "Nanatoridori"), you are a guide at a castle where a bird party has just concluded, and now you are helping the birds return home, the "birds" being cards in your hand.
From a deck of 63 cards, with nine copies each of the numbers 1-7, players get a hand of cards that they cannot rearrange. The starting player leads a card or set of cards with the same value- but they can play multiple cards only if the cards are adjacent to one another in their hand. If cards have been played on the table, to play you must play the same number of cards with a higher value or a larger set of cards, e.g., 2 < 5 < 3,3 < 6,6 < 2,2,2 < 1,1,1,1. When you overplay someone, you can pick up the cards you beat and add them to your hand wherever you wish or you can discard them.
If you cannot or choose not to play, you must pass, drawing a card from the remaining cards in the deck, then either adding it to your hand wherever you wish or discarding it.
If all but one player pass, clear the table, with the player who last played leading to an empty table. When all but one person has emptied their hand, the last player loses one of their two lives. When a player loses their second life, the game ends, and everyone else wins.
Easy, fast, beautiful; original and interesting: what else can you expect from a trick-taking game? Click the link below to discover:
Note that the game includes a special 2 players mode that will give you a totally different feel for the game.
We would love to thank Arclight Games - Ateam and the game designer Toshiki Arao with the wonderful artwork provided by Kotori Neiko. The game has been brought to it's digital life by dahrf and BoucleMed, and we would love to send them our warmest chrips for this. ;)
That's it for this Monday!
Have an excellent week, Essen Spiel convention is only a bit more than a week now.
See you there and until then...
Take care and play fair!
NANATORIDORI: Čivkanje do konca!
V ナナトリドリ (izgovarja se »Nanatoridori«) ste vodnik na gradu, kjer se je pravkar zaključila ptičja zabava, in zdaj pticam pomagate pri vrnitvi domov, »ptice« pa so karte v vaši roki.
Iz kompleta 63 kart, z devetimi kopijami vsake številke od 1 do 7, igralci dobijo kombinacijo kart, ki jih ne morejo preurediti. Začetni igralec vodi karto ali niz kart z enako vrednostjo, vendar lahko igra več kart le, če so karte ena ob drugi v njegovi roki. Če so bile na mizi odigrane karte, morate za igranje igrati enako število kart z višjo vrednostjo ali večji komplet kart, npr. 2 < 5 < 3,3 < 6,6 < 2,2,2 < 1,1,1,1. Ko nekoga preigrate, lahko poberete premagane karte in jih dodate svoji roki, kjer koli želite, ali pa jih zavržete.
Če ne morete igrati ali se odločite, da ne želite igrati, morate opraviti mimo in potegniti karto iz preostalih kart v kompletu, nato pa jo dodati v svojo roko, kjer koli želite, ali jo zavreči.
Če vsi igralci razen enega podajo, počistite mizo, pri čemer igralec, ki je zadnji igral, vodi do prazne mize. Ko vsi razen ene osebe izpraznijo roko, zadnji igralec izgubi eno od svojih dveh življenj. Ko igralec izgubi drugo življenje, se igra konča in vsi ostali zmagajo.
Enostavno, hitro, lepo; izvirno in zanimivo: kaj drugega lahko pričakujete od igre z igranjem trikov? Kliknite spodnjo povezavo, da odkrijete:
Upoštevajte, da igra vključuje poseben način za 2 igralca, ki vam bo dal popolnoma drugačen občutek za igro.
Radi bi se zahvalili Arclight Games - Ateam in oblikovalcu igre Toshiki Arao za čudovito umetniško delo, ki ga je zagotovil Kotori Neiko. Igro sta digitalizirala dahrf in BoucleMed in radi bi jima poslali najtoplejši krompirček za to. ;)
To je to za ta ponedeljek!
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