Altered TCG is an innovative trading card game with a modern, rich and colourful universe. Shape your own adventure, choose your faction and lead your expeditions through an ever-changing world. TCG stands for Trading Card Game. A well-known game format that implies a lot and that you probably have even heard of (like a gathering, or some small creatures that fit in your pockets). Using the same base mechanics for years, the genre needed refreshing. And that is where the Equinox team came up with a lot of original ideas.
Altered is a two-player game in which each player builds a deck led by a hero or heroine card.
In the game, you lead two Expeditions to explore the lands surrounding your home peninsula of Asgartha. One of your Expeditions is led by your Hero, and the other by his or her Companion. Your Expeditions move towards each other as the game progresses, and your aim is to bring them together before your opponent does.
As one of your faction's Heroes, you embody its philosophy and ideals. Each faction is played differently and uses certain mechanics rather than others in order to advance.
There are six factions and your deck can only contain cards from the same faction.
And that is pretty much all you need to know before diving in to the included tutorial. Altered is a deep game, and by this we do not mean complex or difficult, but captivating.
There are a lot of different powers to choose from, effects to handle, and it is all detailed in the game itself: we cover everything by giving tooltips on pretty much anything you would need to enjoy the game.
So what is the next step?
If you are discovering Altered, you can play a tutorial or start a normal game. Once the table starts, you will have the pleasure to discover the factions and choose an already-made deck to play it instantly.
When you have played it, you can try other factions to discover the one you prefer (My personal favorite is Lyra).
It's time to click the link below and start to play in no-time:
Did you enjoyed the game? You want to get more of it?
Then it may be time for you to dive into the Altered universe. And we mean, for real!
Because Altered is a Trading Card Game, you can trade them. Obviously, you can also buy them. But you are not getting only the cards:
You are also getting their online siblings!
On every unique pack and card there is a code for your to scan to add it to your very own collection. There are plenty of things you can do with them, and we recommend that you browse the official website to discover more about them (and create an Altered account). The benefits? You can play your very own, self-built decks on BGA!
Connect your Altered account to our platform through the account linking magic, and next time you start a game, you will be able to play your own cards!
How to connect your account to BGA? Check the link below: it's really simple and contains more informations about the game :
Playing your own cards online is a fun and perfect way to test them against players around the world before joining an official event in real life.
Will you discover new winning strategies? It's all up to you!
But you should definitely give a try to this outstanding game that shares a lot of its feel with modern boardgames.
We would like to thank, of course, the Equinox Team to allow and support this online adaptation of their game, and the magnificent work done by vincentt and Tisaac, the developers who made the whole adaptation to our platform possible. Send them some love, they deserve it!
Also don't forget to check their announcement and more informations about the game there:
In the coming time, you can expect updates and maybe, if you are kind enough... novelties.
This is a release we will take extra care of, so do not forget to post any remarks or bugs about the game in the appropriate sections.
That's it for this Wednesday release!
Until next week... Take care and play fair!
SPREMENJENO: Čudovit TCG, ki ga lahko vsak odkrije in igra na spletu ZDAJ!
Altered TCG je inovativna igra s kartami s sodobnim, bogatim in barvitim vesoljem. Oblikujte svojo pustolovščino, izberite svojo frakcijo in vodite svoje odprave skozi nenehno spreminjajoči se svet. TCG je kratica za Trading Card Game. Dobro poznan format igre, ki pomeni veliko in za katerega ste verjetno že slišali (na primer srečanje ali kakšna majhna bitja, ki se prilegajo v žep). Z uporabo iste osnovne mehanike že leta je bilo treba žanr osvežiti. In tu je ekipa Equinox prišla na vrsto izvirnih idej.
Altered je igra za dva igralca, v kateri vsak igralec sestavi komplet, ki ga vodi karta junaka ali junakinje.
V igri vodite dve ekspediciji za raziskovanje dežel, ki obkrožajo vaš domači polotok Asgartha. Eno od vaših odprav vodi vaš junak, drugo pa njegov ali njen spremljevalec. Vaše ekspedicije se med potekom igre premikajo ena proti drugi, vaš cilj pa je, da jih združite, preden to stori vaš nasprotnik.
Kot eden od junakov svoje frakcije utelešate njeno filozofijo in ideale. Vsaka frakcija se igra drugače in za napredovanje uporablja določene mehanike namesto drugih.
Obstaja šest frakcij in vaš komplet lahko vsebuje samo karte iz iste frakcije.
In to je skoraj vse, kar morate vedeti, preden se potopite v vključeno vadnico. Altered je globoka igra in s tem ne mislimo zapleteno ali težko, ampak očarljivo.
Izbirate lahko med številnimi različnimi močmi, učinki, ki jih je treba obravnavati, in vse je podrobno opisano v sami igri: pokrivamo vse z namigi za skoraj vse, kar potrebujete za uživanje v igri.
Kaj je torej naslednji korak?
Če odkrivate Altered, lahko igrate vadnico ali začnete običajno igro. Ko se miza začne, boste z veseljem odkrili frakcije in izbrali že izdelan komplet, da ga boste takoj igrali.
Ko jo igrate, lahko preizkusite druge frakcije, da odkrijete tisto, ki vam je ljubša (Moja osebna najljubša je Lyra).
Čas je, da kliknete spodnjo povezavo in takoj začnete igrati:
Ste uživali v igri? Želite dobiti več tega?
Potem je morda čas, da se potopite v spremenjeno vesolje. In mislimo, zares!
Ker je Altered igra s kartami za menjavo, lahko z njimi trgujete. Očitno jih lahko tudi kupite. Vendar ne dobite samo kart:
Dobite tudi njihove spletne brate in sestre!
Na vsakem edinstvenem paketu in kartici je koda, ki jo lahko optično preberete, da jo dodate v svojo lastno zbirko. Z njimi lahko počnete veliko stvari, zato vam priporočamo, da pobrskate po uradni spletni strani in odkrijete več o njih. (in ustvarite spremenjeni račun). Prednosti? Na BGA lahko igrate svoje lastne špile, ki ste jih sami izdelali!
Povežite svoj račun Altered z našo platformo prek čarovnije povezovanja računov in naslednjič, ko boste začeli igro, boste lahko igrali svoje karte!
Kako povezati svoj račun z BGA? Preverite spodnjo povezavo: res je preprosta in vsebuje več informacij o igri:
Igranje lastnih kart na spletu je zabaven in popoln način, da jih preizkusite proti igralcem po vsem svetu, preden se pridružite uradnemu dogodku v resničnem življenju.
Boste odkrili nove zmagovalne strategije? Vse je odvisno od vas!
Vsekakor pa morate poskusiti to izjemno igro, ki ima velik del občutka kot sodobne družabne igre.
Seveda bi se radi zahvalili ekipi Equinox Team, ki je dovolila in podprla to spletno prilagoditev njihove igre, ter veličastnemu delu, ki sta ga opravila vincentt in Tisaac, razvijalca, ki sta naredila celotno prilagoditev naše igre. možna platforma. Pošljite jim nekaj ljubezni, zaslužijo si jo!
Prav tako ne pozabite preveriti njihove objave in več informacij o igri tam:
V prihodnjem času lahko pričakujete posodobitve in morda, če boste dovolj prijazni... novosti.
To je izdaja, za katero bomo še posebej skrbeli, zato ne pozabite objaviti morebitnih pripomb ali napak o igri v ustreznih razdelkih.
To je to za izdajo v sredo!
Do naslednjega tedna... Pazite se in igrajte pošteno!