Try to have the fewest splashes in your bathtub by ducking and covering your ducks!
Duck & Cover is a goofy 20 minute game in which you are trying to have the least water around your bathtub. You will either duck your ducks by moving them around your grid or cover your duck cards with other ducks.
Each player has a set of duck cards numbered 1-12 laid out randomly in a 3x4 grid in front of them. The large number on the card is the card number, and the small number is the splash number.
There is a draw deck of 26 cards: 2 sets of cards numbered 1-12 + 1 Max card + 1 Repeat card. This is called the Captain deck.
Each turn, you will move a card/stack in your grid that matches the number drawn from Captain deck.
After 3 rounds, the player with the fewest Splashes showing on their grid wins!
Yes, it's as crazy as it reads.
Ready to try it? Just click the link below, and you will dive in a game in no-time, from 2 to 7 players, for 10 mins:
We would love to thank the Captain Games team, as well as Oussama Khelifati for their support to bring this game online, and let's also thank tchobello for adapting it to our platform.
A light-hearted game for duck lovers, that's more than welcome before Essen!
That's it for this Monday.
Until Wednesday, as always, take care and play fair!
DUCK & COVER: Jaz sem kopalec!
Poskusite čim manj škropiti kad, tako da se sklonite in pokrijete svoje race!
Duck & Cover je trapasta 20-minutna igra, v kateri poskušate imeti čim manj vode okoli kadi. Svoje race boste ugnali tako, da jih boste premikali po svoji mreži, ali pa svoje karte z racami prekrili z drugimi racami.
Vsak igralec ima pred seboj naključno razporejenih kart račk, oštevilčenih z 1–12, v mreži 3x4. Velika številka na kartici je številka kartice, majhna številka pa številka brizganja.
Na voljo je komplet za žrebanje 26 kart: 2 niza kart, oštevilčenih od 1 do 12 + 1 največja karta + 1 ponovljena karta. To se imenuje Captain deck.
Vsako potezo boste premaknili karto/kup v svoji mreži, ki se ujema s številko, izžrebano iz kapitanskega kompleta.
Po 3 krogih zmaga igralec z najmanj brizgami na svoji mreži!
Ja, tako noro je, kot se bere.
Ste pripravljeni poskusiti? Preprosto kliknite spodnjo povezavo in v hipu se boste potopili v igro, od 2 do 7 igralcev, za 10 minut:
Radi bi se zahvalili ekipi Captain Games in Oussami Khelifati za njihovo podporo pri prenosu te igre na splet, zahvalimo pa se tudi tchobellu, ker jo je prilagodil naši platformi.
Lahkotna igra za ljubitelje rac, več kot dobrodošla pred Essnom!
To je to za ta ponedeljek.
Do srede, kot vedno, pazite in igrajte pošteno!