Push your luck ! Roll the dice and get the best combinations to win the game.
Dicy Cards is a family game in which you challenge your opponents by starting on equal terms!
Roll the dice, get the best combination and use your cards to reroll or score them. But be careful, once you use a card, it freezes! Pass your turn to unfreeze your cards. Are you going to get lucky enough to reach 100 points?
It's time to try another dice game and get out of your regular dice games! You can learn it in a few minutes through the tutorial, or simply start a game by clicking the link below:
And that game was ported to Board Game Arena thanks to the Blue Orange team and the designer Eric B. Vogel, all our thanks goes to them!
Let's mention the development done by Moof who made this game playable on all platforms.
As Essen is coming, it's an exceptional Tuesday release!
See you tomorrow for another title, but until then...
Take care and play fair!
DICY CARDS: Igra za prebijanje ledu!
Potisnite svojo srečo! Vrzite kocke in dobite najboljše kombinacije za zmago.
Dicy Cards je družinska igra, v kateri izzivate svoje nasprotnike tako, da začnete pod enakimi pogoji!
Vrzite kocke, pridobite najboljšo kombinacijo in uporabite svoje karte, da jih ponovno vržete ali dosežete. Vendar bodite previdni, ko enkrat uporabite kartico, zamrzne! Pojdite na vrsto, da odmrznete svoje kartice. Se vam bo posrečilo doseči 100 točk?
Čas je, da preizkusite še eno igro s kockami in opustite običajne igre s kockami! Lahko se tega naučite v nekaj minutah prek vadnice ali preprosto začnete igro s klikom na spodnjo povezavo:
In ta igra je bila prenesena v Board Game Arena po zaslugi Blue Orange teama in oblikovalca Erica B. Vogla, naša zahvala gre njim!
Omenimo razvoj, ki ga je opravil Moof, ki je omogočil igranje te igre na vseh platformah.
Ker prihaja Essen, je to izjemna torkova izdaja!
Se vidimo jutri na drugem naslovu, a do takrat...
Pazite se in igrajte pošteno!