When all you can identify in the horizon for many long days is the line that detaches the sea from the sky, the glimpse of a distant shore appearing before you will make you shiver at the understanding that the adventure is about to begin.
You find yourself astonished, landing on the shore that will be the origin of an extensive exploration through the Galapagos, a magic place of inconceivable beauty and endless biodiversity. There, you will gather repertoires and expand your knowledge of the natural sciences. Your eyes will learn how to detect the hidden species in the tropical forest, gazing at the countless colors and textures of nature. After inspiring hours spent studying and coming to enlightening conclusions, you will rest under a sparkling sky, admiring the stunning complexity of the animal realm.
Darwin's Journey is a worker-placement eurogame in which players recall Charles Darwin's memories of his adventure through the Galapagos islands, which contributed to the development of his theory of evolution.
With the game's innovative worker progression system, each worker will have to study the disciplines that are a prerequisite to perform several actions in the game, such as exploration, correspondence, gathering, and dispatching repertoires found on the island to museums in order to contribute to the human knowledge of biology. The game lasts five rounds, and thanks to several short- and long-term objectives, every action you take will grant victory points in different ways.
And of course you can play it alone. But beware: it's not for the faint-hearted. It will take you a lot to master what is happening on the different boards, but the art to master it will pop in front of your eyes once you really understand why this game received so many awards worldwide. Click below to try it now:
Let's thank of course Simone Luciani and Nestore Mangone, who designed the game, for their authorization to bring it online, with the help of their publisher ThunderGryph Games, and of course with the magnificent work done by EINSTEIN and J0j0b0 who made the code, scripts and programmed it for you all to enjoy online!
That's kind of a big game we're releasing today and we wish you'll all get as much pleasure as we do playing it.
That's it for this Wednesday Release Time!
Enjoy, and until next week, as always...
Take care and play fair!
DARWINOVO POTOVANJE: Revolucija iz evolucije!
Ko lahko dolge dni na obzorju prepoznate le črto, ki ločuje morje od neba, vas bo pogled na oddaljeno obalo, ki se pojavi pred vami, naježil ob zavedanju, da se bo pustolovščina kmalu začela.
Presenečeni boste pristali na obali, ki bo izhodišče obsežnega raziskovanja Galapagosa, čarobnega kraja nepojmljive lepote in neskončne biotske raznovrstnosti. Tam si boste nabrali repertoar in razširili svoje naravoslovno znanje. Vaše oči se bodo naučile odkrivati skrite vrste v tropskem gozdu, ob pogledu na nešteto barv in tekstur narave. Po navdihujočih urah, preživetih v študiju in prihajanju do razsvetljujočih zaključkov, boste počivali pod bleščečim nebom in občudovali osupljivo kompleksnost živalskega sveta.
Darwinovo potovanje je evroigra za delavce, v kateri igralci obujajo spomine Charlesa Darwina na njegovo pustolovščino po otočju Galapagos, ki je prispevala k razvoju njegove teorije evolucije.
Z inovativnim sistemom napredovanja delavcev v igri bo moral vsak delavec študirati discipline, ki so predpogoj za izvajanje več dejanj v igri, kot so raziskovanje, dopisovanje, zbiranje in pošiljanje repertoarjev, najdenih na otoku, v muzeje, da bi prispeval k človeško znanje biologije. Igra traja pet krogov in zahvaljujoč številnim kratkoročnim in dolgoročnim ciljem bo vsako vaše dejanje na različne načine podelilo zmagovalne točke.
In seveda jo lahko igrate sami. A pozor: ni za slabovidne. Potrebovali boste veliko, da boste obvladali dogajanje na različnih deskah, vendar vam bo umetnost obvladovanja padla pred oči, ko boste zares razumeli, zakaj je ta igra prejela toliko nagrad po vsem svetu. Kliknite spodaj, da poskusite zdaj:
Zahvaljujmo se seveda Simone Luciani in Nestore Mangone, ki sta oblikovala igro, za njuno dovoljenje, da jo objavita na spletu, s pomočjo njihovega založnika ThunderGryph Games in seveda z veličastnim delom, ki ga je opravil * EINSTEIN in J0j0b0*, ki sta naredila kodo, skripte in jih programirala, da lahko vsi uživate na spletu!
To je nekakšna velika igra, ki jo izdajamo danes, in želimo si, da bi vsi imeli pri njenem igranju toliko užitka kot mi.
To je to za to sredo.
Uživajte in do naslednjega tedna, kot vedno...
Pazi se in igraj pošteno!