And we will start with one of the 2 games released today!
Cosmoctopus is an engine-building, tentacle-gathering board game for 1 to 4 devotees. Guide Cosmoctopus through the Inky Realm, a flexible configuration of tiles, to gather resources and obtain powerful cards that represent relics, scripture, hallucinations and constellations. Harness the power of these bizarre objects and experiences, craft potent card combinations and be the first to gain 8 tentacles to win!
Click the link below to get to the game page and find more informations before starting a game:
Let's thank the Paper Fort Games team and the game designer Henry Audubon for their authorization to bring this game to our platform, as well as the work done by Kayvon and Mogri to make it work on any devices, for your pleasure!
In a near future, agrotoxics and contamination created some strange mutant plants... that are really scary! But hey, profit is profit, so you have to be the best farmer and make them grow.
You have 12 actions in the table (half face down, half face up) that allow you to gather resources (tokens), gain plants, and nurture them. Each turn you have 2/3 actions, and what you use and what you block stop your friends from doing the same. You need to take care of your resources, and you do not know exactly what action will be available next, so your goals can be hard to reach. You have to get your crops well nurtured to score, and they do crazy stuff together, so keep and eye on other players crops, to be sure you have the best mutants to score points and win the game.
Curious about the veggie side of Halloween? Check the nice included tutorial here, or simply browse the dedicated page by clicking below:
And we would like to send our thanks to the team of publishers El Dragón Azul, OK Ediciones and Atheris Games who made it happen here, and also thanks to the nice adaptation made by hymnal to have this title playable here!
and... IT'S SHOWTIME! (again)
Also, let's celebrate this time of the year by offering you a selection of games you might not know, or you possibly missed their halloween expansions!
We offer plenty of games, and there are plenty of reasons to choose a specific theme for a specific period of the year.
If you are in the mood to play with a lot of people, why not get involved in a Werewolves game? Will you get the chills from meeting new people?
Why not join a game of PATCHWORK with it's Halloween expansion?
or King of Tokyo, for some monster fights?
Two players only? Get into a trick-taking game of Jekyll vs Hyde and discover your dark side...
Tired of being Jekyll or Hyde? Dress as Dracula vs Van Helsing!
Will you dare to join a game of Don't Go In There?
Or did you simply prefer to face a single soul, in Soulaween?
Before calling the Ghostbusters, it might be better to have fun with 2 to 4 players in Ghost at Home:
If you cannot get rid of the monsters, why not make your very own in Monster Factory?
It is not about the monsters but more about the place? You will love to fight with your armies in Blood Rage!
An old classic to play in the frightening London streets? Let's call Mr Jack!
You are not into any of these? There's always a way to wear a mask with people. That's a Mascarade to play with your friends, by clicking right below:
That's it for today.
With the continuous waves of games that are released, it's good sometimes to remember about titles that deserves more love.
You can find this full playlist direcly by clicking the link below:
Feel free to add them to your "Games to play".
And what a perfect occasion to have them displayed, again, on the frontpage!
Don't be afraid, there will be more novelties coming.
Or not?
Until next week, play fair and... take care!
COSMOCTOPUS in MUTANTSKI PRIDELKI: To je BGA, BGA, BGALLOWEEN! In srhljiv izbor družabnih iger za igranje na spletu.
In začeli bomo z eno od 2 iger, ki sta bili izdani danes!
Cosmoctopus je družabna igra za gradnjo motorjev in zbiranje lovk za 1 do 4 bhakte. Vodite Cosmoctopus skozi Inky Realm, prilagodljivo konfiguracijo ploščic, da zberete vire in pridobite močne karte, ki predstavljajo relikvije, sveto pismo, halucinacije in ozvezdja. Izkoristite moč teh bizarnih predmetov in izkušenj, ustvarite močne kombinacije kart in bodite prvi, ki bo pridobil 8 lovk za zmago!
Kliknite spodnjo povezavo, da pridete na stran igre in poiščete več informacij, preden začnete igro:
Zahvaljujmo se ekipi Paper Fort Games in oblikovalcu igre Henry Audubon za njihovo pooblastilo za prenos te igre na našo platformo, kot tudi za delo, ki sta ga opravila Kayvon in Mogri, da je delovala na vseh napravah, za vaše veselje!
V bližnji prihodnosti sta agrotoksičnost in kontaminacija ustvarila nekaj nenavadnih mutiranih rastlin... ki so res strašljive! Ampak hej, dobiček je dobiček, zato moraš biti najboljši kmet in jim omogočiti rast.
V tabeli imate 12 dejanj (polovica obrnjena navzdol, polovica obrnjena navzgor), ki vam omogočajo, da zbirate vire (žetone), pridobivate rastline in jih negujete. Vsak korak imate 2/3 dejanj in tisto, kar uporabite in blokirate, prepreči vašim prijateljem, da storijo isto. Poskrbeti morate za svoje vire in ne veste točno, kateri ukrep bo naslednji na voljo, zato je vaše cilje težko doseči. Svoje pridelke morate dobro negovati, da dosežete rezultat, in skupaj delajo nore stvari, zato pazite na pridelke drugih igralcev, da se prepričate, da imate najboljše mutante za doseganje točk in zmago v igri.
Vas zanima vege plat noči čarovnic? Oglejte si lepo vključeno vadnico tukaj ali preprosto prebrskajte namensko stran s klikom spodaj:
Radi bi se zahvalili ekipi založnikov El Dragon Azul, OK Ediciones in Atheris Games, ki so poskrbeli, da se je to zgodilo tukaj, in tudi hvala lepi prilagoditvi, ki jo je naredil hymnal za ta naslov tukaj se lahko igra!
in... ČAS JE ZA PREDSTAVO! (spet)
Praznujmo ta čas v letu tudi tako, da vam ponudimo izbor iger, ki jih morda ne poznate ali pa ste morda zamudili njihove razširitve za noč čarovnic!
Ponujamo veliko iger in veliko je razlogov, da izberete določeno temo za določeno obdobje v letu.
Če ste razpoloženi za igranje z veliko ljudmi, zakaj se ne vključite v igro Volkodlaki? Vas bo zmrazilo od spoznavanja novih ljudi?
Zakaj se ne bi pridružili igri PATCHWORK z njeno razširitvijo za noč čarovnic?
ali King of Tokyo, za nekaj spopadov s pošastmi?
Samo dva igralca? Vstopite v igro Jekyll vs Hyde in odkrijte svojo temno plat ...
Ste naveličani biti Jekyll ali Hyde? Oblecite se kot Dracula proti Van Helsingu!
Si boste upali pridružiti igri Ne hodi noter?
Ali pa ste se preprosto raje soočili z eno samo dušo v Soulaween?
Preden pokličete Ghostbusters, bi bilo morda bolje, da se zabavate z 2 do 4 igralci v Ghost at Home:
Če se ne morete znebiti pošasti, zakaj ne bi naredili svoje lastne v Tovarni pošasti?
Ne gre za pošasti, ampak bolj za kraj? Z veseljem se boste borili s svojimi vojskami v Blood Rage!
Stara klasika za igranje na strašljivih londonskih ulicah? Pokličimo Mr Jack!
Vas ne zanima nič od tega? Vedno obstaja način, kako nositi masko z ljudmi. To je Maskarada, ki jo lahko igrate s prijatelji, tako da kliknete desno spodaj:
To je to za danes.
Zaradi nenehnih valov izdanih iger se je včasih dobro spomniti na naslove, ki si zaslužijo več ljubezni.
Ta celoten seznam predvajanja najdete neposredno s klikom na spodnjo povezavo:
Lahko jih dodate med svoje "Igre za igranje".
In kakšna popolna priložnost, da jih ponovno prikažemo na prvi strani!
Ne bojte se, še več novosti bo.
Ali ne?
Do naslednjega tedna igrajte pošteno in ... pazite se!