In Odin, you want to empty your hand as quickly as possible, sending all your Vikings out into the world.
The game lasts several hands, with each hand consisting of one or more rounds. The deck contains cards in six suits, each numbered 1-9, and each player starts with a hand of nine cards.
The lead player for the hand lays a single card on the table. The next player either passes (but can play on a future turn) or plays the same number of cards (or one more than that number) with a higher value. When you play two or more cards, the cards must be the same number or color, and the value of these cards is created by placing their digits in order from high to low. For example, if you play a blue 3 and blue 6, their value is 63, not 36. When you play and are not the lead, you must take one of the cards from the previous play into your hand, then discard the rest.
Play continues around the table until either a player is out of cards, which ends the round immediately, or all players have passed in succession. In the latter case, discard the last cards played; whoever played these cards lays a single card to start a new round. Alternatively, if the lead player has cards in hand of a single suit or number, they play all of these cards at once to end the hand. When a hand ends, each player scores 1 point for each card they still hold.
If no player has at least 15 points, shuffle the deck and start a new hand. If someone does have 15 or more points, whoever has the fewest points wins.
It's a fast-paced game for 2 to 6 players you can all learn in a few minutes through the available amazing tutorial, and available to play right now on our platform by following the link below:
Let's thank the HELVETIQ team for bringing this title to our platform, with the help of the amazing game designers Yohan Goh, Hope S. Hwang and Gary Kim!
Also, we should send our warmest regards to fenadoruk who developed it for Board Game Arena.
The game looks awesome on any device and you can play it well from any device.
That's it for today's release.
What will come next? Can you guess?
Until next week, play fair and take care!
ODIN: Valhallah Rising!
V Odinu si želite čim hitreje izprazniti roko in poslati vse svoje Vikinge v svet.
Igra traja več handov, pri čemer je vsak hand sestavljen iz enega ali več krogov. Špil vsebuje karte v šestih barvah, vsaka je oštevilčena od 1 do 9, vsak igralec pa začne s kombinacijo devetih kart.
Glavni igralec v kombinaciji položi eno karto na mizo. Naslednji igralec poda (vendar lahko igra na prihodnjem potezu) ali odigra enako število kart (ali eno več od tega števila) z višjo vrednostjo. Ko igrate z dvema ali več kartami, morajo biti karte istega števila ali barve, vrednost teh kart pa se ustvari tako, da se njihove števke razporedijo od višje do nižje. Na primer, če igrate modro 3 in modro 6, je njuna vrednost 63, ne 36. Ko igrate in niste vodilni, morate vzeti eno od kart iz prejšnje igre v svojo roko, nato pa zavreči preostale.
Igra se nadaljuje okoli mize, dokler ni igralec brez kart, kar takoj konča krog, ali pa vsi igralci zaporedoma ne prestopijo. V slednjem primeru zavrzite zadnje odigrane karte; kdor je igral s temi kartami, položi eno karto, da začne nov krog. Druga možnost je, če ima vodilni igralec v roki karte ene barve ali števila, igra vse te karte hkrati, da konča kombinacijo. Ko se igra konča, vsak igralec doseže 1 točko za vsako karto, ki jo še drži.
Če noben igralec nima vsaj 15 točk, premešajte komplet in začnite novo kombinacijo. Če ima nekdo 15 ali več točk, zmaga tisti, ki ima najmanj točk.
To je hitra igra za 2 do 6 igralcev, ki se jo lahko vsi naučite v nekaj minutah skozi razpoložljivo čudovito vadnico in je na voljo za igranje prav zdaj na našem platformo tako, da sledite spodnji povezavi:
Zahvaljujmo se ekipi HELVETIQ, da je prinesla ta naslov na našo platformo s pomočjo izjemnih oblikovalcev iger Yohan Goh, Hope S. Hwang in Gary Kim!
Prav tako bi morali poslati naše najtoplejše pozdrave fenadoruku, ki ga je razvil za Board Game Arena.
Igra je videti čudovito v kateri koli napravi in jo lahko dobro igrate v kateri koli napravi.
To je to za današnjo objavo.
Kaj bo sledilo? Lahko uganete?
Do naslednjega tedna igrajte pošteno in pazite!