Since the beginning of time, gnomes have been the humble caretakers of nature. In secret, they emerge from their underground homes to maintain meticulous rings of mushrooms known to the human folk as "fairy rings". But the work must be done quickly because as soon as a mushroom path is finished, the mushrooms are ready for picking. Who will be the cleverest gnome and harvest the most mushrooms by the end of the season?
Gnome Hollow is a spatial, tile-placement, worker-placement game in which you grow a tabletop garden of mushrooms and flowers. Every piece is a hand-painted watercolor that captures the whimsical feel of gnomes and nature. Turns are deceptively simple: Players place tiles into the garden, and move a gnome to take a single action on their turn. Come to Gnome Hollow and experience a peaceful garden, the thrill of competing to harvest buckets of mushrooms, and the reward of gathering in all your shiny treasures!
· Immerse yourself in Gnome Hollow, a captivating fun strategy game where players cultivate a vibrant garden of mushrooms and flowers using strategic tile and worker placement mechanics.
· Harvest valuable mushrooms by completing intricate rings, select rewarding bonuses, and sell your mushrooms at the market for the shiniest treasures for points in the hollow.
· Enjoy automatic score calculation on player boards, ensuring smooth game play and allowing you to focus on strategic decisions and garden development.
Note that the game is listed for the "Toy of the year award". Let's cross fingers! You can vote too ;)
Yes it has everything you can think of. The only thing to know is if you are ready to start it now by clicking the link below (and have a look at the easy to read rules):
There's a lot going on, and the game is pretty close to the original tabletop one, thanks to the work done by BanBan to adapt and develop it for Board Game Arena.
Let's mention the ones who allowed this to happen on our platform, the game designer Ammon Anderson and the team from The Op Games publishing.
That's it for your Wednesday dose of Board Game!
Try it now from your device, and let's discover a cool novelty today.
Until next week, take care and play fair!
GNOME HOLLOW: Vse se vrti okoli gob!
Že od začetka časa so palčki skromni skrbniki narave. Na skrivaj prihajajo iz svojih podzemnih domov, da bi vzdrževali natančne kolobarje gob, ki jih ljudje poznajo kot "pravljične obroče". A delo je treba opraviti hitro, saj takoj ko je gobarska pot končana, so gobe pripravljene za nabiranje. Kdo bo najpametnejši palček in bo do konca sezone nabral največ gob?
Gnome Hollow je prostorska igra za postavitev ploščic in delavca, v kateri gojite namizni vrt z gobami in rožami. Vsak kos je ročno naslikan akvarel, ki ujame muhast občutek palčkov in narave. Obrati so zavajajoče preprosti: igralci postavijo ploščice na vrt in premaknejo gnoma, da na svojem potezu izvedejo eno dejanje. Pridite v Gnome Hollow in izkusite miren vrt, vznemirjenje ob tekmovanju v nabiranju veder gob in nagrado ob nabiranju vseh vaših sijočih zakladov!
· Potopite se v Gnome Hollow, očarljivo zabavno strateško igro, v kateri igralci gojijo živahen vrt gob in rož z uporabo strateških ploščic in mehanikov postavitve delavcev.
· Nabirajte dragocene gobe tako, da izpolnite zapletene obroče, izberite nagrajevalne bonuse in prodajte svoje gobe na tržnici za najbolj sijoče zaklade za točke v luknji.
· Uživajte v samodejnem izračunu rezultatov na igralnih ploščah, kar zagotavlja nemoteno igranje in vam omogoča, da se osredotočite na strateške odločitve in razvoj vrta.
Upoštevajte, da je igra navedena za "Igračo leta". Držimo pesti! Glasujete lahko tudi vi ;)
Da, ima vse, kar si lahko zamislite. Edina stvar, ki jo morate vedeti, je, ali ste pripravljeni začeti zdaj s klikom na spodnjo povezavo (in si oglejte lahko berljiva pravila):
Veliko se dogaja in igra je precej blizu originalni namizni, zahvaljujoč delu, ki ga je opravil BanBan, da jo je prilagodil in razvil za Board Game Arena.
Naj omenimo tiste, ki so dovolili, da se je to zgodilo na naši platformi, oblikovalca iger Ammon Anderson in ekipo založbe The Op Games.
To je to za vaš sredin odmerek družabnih iger!
Preizkusite zdaj v svoji napravi in odkrijmo kul novost še danes.
Do naslednjega tedna pazite nase in igrajte pošteno!