Akropolis Athena is an expansion of the Akropolis base game, set in the Ancient Mediterranean where architects compete to build prestigious cities. The theme revolves around gaining the favor of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, war, and artisans, to earn riches and honor.
In this game, players must use their skills to complete specific Construction cards by building layouts within their cities that match the cards. As players complete these cards, they can acquire parts of the Statue of Athena and gain Mini-tiles to enhance their cities. The goal is to strategically build your city while completing these Construction cards to gain additional points and advantages.
The game integrates the core rules of the AKROPOLIS base game with the added challenge of completing Construction cards. Each architect can complete each Construction card only once and must manage their resources and placements carefully to maximize their points.
The game concludes when there is only one tile left in the Construction Site and all the stacks have been used. Points are counted as usual, but players who have completed the Statue of Athena gain extra points for their Stones, adding a layer of strategic depth to the gameplay. The ultimate goal is to have the most prestigious city by the end of the game, as determined by the accumulated points.
Discover it right now by clicking the link below:
That's it for this Friday Expansion!
Until Monday, take care and play fair!
RAZŠIRITEV - AKROPOLIS: ATHENA: Tekmujte, gradite, pridobite Athenino naklonjenost. Ste pripravljeni na pisanje zgodovine?
Akropolis Athena je razširitev osnovne igre Akropolis, postavljene v staro Sredozemlje, kjer arhitekti tekmujejo za gradnjo prestižnih mest. Tema se vrti okoli pridobivanja naklonjenosti Atene, boginje modrosti, vojne in obrtnikov, da bi zaslužili bogastvo in čast.
V tej igri morajo igralci uporabiti svoje sposobnosti za dokončanje določenih gradbenih kart, tako da v svojih mestih zgradijo postavitve, ki se ujemajo s kartami. Ko igralci izpolnijo te karte, lahko pridobijo dele Ateninega kipa in pridobijo mini ploščice za izboljšanje svojih mest. Cilj je strateško zgraditi svoje mesto, medtem ko izpolnjujete te gradbene karte, da pridobite dodatne točke in prednosti.
Igra združuje osnovna pravila osnovne igre AKROPOLIS z dodatnim izzivom izpolnjevanja gradbenih kart. Vsak arhitekt lahko izpolni vsako kartico Gradnja samo enkrat in mora skrbno upravljati svoje vire in postavitve, da poveča svoje točke.
Igra se zaključi, ko na gradbišču ostane le še ena ploščica in so vsi skladi porabljeni. Točke se štejejo kot običajno, vendar igralci, ki so dokončali Atenin kip, pridobijo dodatne točke za svoje kamne, kar igranju doda plast strateške globine. Končni cilj je imeti najprestižnejše mesto do konca igre, kar določajo zbrane točke.
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To je to za to petkovo razširitev!
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