Build up your kingdom by getting your hands on the best cards.
It's a Wonderful Kingdom is a standalone 2-player game in a Low-Fantasy universe. Inspired by the core mechanics of its predecessor "It's a Wonderful World," this new game offers more interaction, a bluff mechanism, and new challenges.
The game is played using different modules that offer mechanical twists. Each game, players will choose one of the different modules to compete against each other. The game is divided into 4 rounds, each having 3 phases.
Split & Trap
Players take turns offering their cards to one another in two areas in the center of the table.
One player picks 2 cards from their hand and either places them in the same area or splits them between the two areas. The other player chooses an area and claims the card(s) in it. The players take turns repeating this step until both players have offered all of their cards. Each player has 2 Trap tokens which can be used to place cards face down, otherwise all cards are played face up.
Each player chooses which of the cards they have collected to build and which ones to recycle for immediate resources.
Sequential Production
Each player produces their Kingdom's resources sequentially. Since resources are produced in a specific order, it is important to plan ahead to optimize your production and development.
At the end of the fourth round, the player with the most victory points wins the game.
And it is all available by clicking on the link below, right after you learn it from the tutorial:
And we would love to thank all the team from La Boîte de Jeu, as well as the game designer Frédéric Guérard for their authorization to bring the game online. Let's also celebrate the work done by Moof for you all to play it well on any devices!
That's big, and that's your Wednesday Release Time game.
Until next week, take care and play fair...
To je čudovito kraljestvo: Vaš imperij za kartico!
Zgradite svoje kraljestvo tako, da dobite najboljše karte.
It's a Wonderful Kingdom je samostojna igra za 2 igralca v vesolju Low-Fantasy. Ta nova igra, ki jo navdihuje temeljna mehanika predhodnice "It's a Wonderful World", ponuja več interakcije, mehanizem blefiranja in nove izzive.
Igra se igra z različnimi moduli, ki ponujajo mehanske zasuke. V vsaki igri bodo igralci izbrali enega od različnih modulov, da bodo tekmovali med seboj. Igra je razdeljena na 4 kroge, od katerih ima vsak 3 faze.
Razdeli in past
Igralci drug drugemu izmenično ponujajo svoje karte na dveh področjih na sredini mize.
En igralec izbere 2 karti iz svoje roke in ju položi v isto območje ali pa ju razdeli med obe območji. Drugi igralec izbere območje in prevzame karto(e) v njem. Igralca izmenično ponavljata ta korak, dokler oba igralca ne ponudita vseh svojih kart. Vsak igralec ima 2 žetona pasti, ki ju lahko uporabi za odlaganje kart obrnjenih navzdol, drugače se igrajo vse karte obrnjene navzgor.
Vsak igralec izbere, katere od kart, ki jih je zbral, bo zgradil in katere bo recikliral za takojšnje vire.
Zaporedna proizvodnja
Vsak igralec zaporedno proizvaja vire svojega kraljestva. Ker se viri proizvajajo v določenem vrstnem redu, je pomembno načrtovati vnaprej, da optimizirate svojo proizvodnjo in razvoj.
Na koncu četrtega kroga zmaga igralec z največ točkami zmage.
In vse je na voljo s klikom na spodnjo povezavo, takoj ko se tega naučite iz vadnice :
Radi bi se zahvalili vsej ekipi iz La Boîte de Jeu, kot tudi oblikovalcu igre Frédéricu Guérardu za njihovo pooblastilo za prenos igre na splet. Proslavimo tudi delo, ki ga je opravil Moof za vse vas, da ga lahko dobro igrate na vseh napravah!
To je veliko in to je vaša sreda Release Time igra.
Do naslednjega tedna pazite nase in igrajte pošteno...