Survive The Island is a cutthroat game in which players race to evacuate their adventurers — especially those of a high value — from a sinking island to maximize their score.
An island made up of forty hex-tiles is slowly sinking into the ocean as tiles are removed from the board. Each player controls ten people (valued 1-5) that they try to move towards the safety of the surrounding islands before the main island's volcanoes finally erupt. Players can either swim or use rafts to travel, but must avoid sea serpents, kaiju, and sharks on their way to safety.
But your meeples aren’t all the same. Each has a number from 1 to 5 on the bottom, representing the number of points they are worth if rescued. Players can note these numbers during initial placement, but can’t look during the game.
On your turn you’re given 3 movements, either of meeples across land or rafts across water. Use them wisely!
Then rising waters occur, removing one of the island tiles, leaving only water. When an island tile is removed, the player flips it to see if they should take an immediate action (like spawning a new sea creature) or if they are given a one-time ability they can use later in the game, like having a friendly dolphin move you extra spaces.
Finally, you roll the creature die and move the baddies accordingly. These monsters can knock meeples out of the game, losing those points for good.
The game ends when there are no adventurers left to rescue, or a 3rd volcano erupts. Count up points on the bottom of your rescued meeples - highest points wins!
Survive the Island is a straightforward, easy to learn game and a light-hearted one. One thing to note is that although your main goal is rescuing your own meeples, there is a bit of “take that” in the process. After all, when you have to move the monsters, you aren’t going to send them after your own meeples!
Sounds fun, right? You can enjoy it right now on Board Game Arena by clicking the link below and discovering all the details before engaging in a game:
And it's all thanks to the game designer Julian Courtland-Smith and the whole Zygomatic publishing team that you can enjoy this title on the platform!
Let's also note that the game was fully developped by darhf who made an excellent job again. You can play it from your phone, tablet or computer with ease thanks to the level of care that has been put into this port.
And that's it for your Wednesday Release Time!
See you around in a few days, it's surprises and gifts seasons for all, and you'll love what we'll bring to you soon.
Until next week, take care and play fair!
PREŽIVETI OTOK: Najprej me je bilo strah, okamenel sem ...
Survive The Island je drzna igra, v kateri igralci tekmujejo za evakuacijo svojih pustolovcev – še posebej tistih z visoko vrednostjo – s potapljajočega se otoka, da povečajo svoj rezultat.
Otok, sestavljen iz štiridesetih šesterokotnih ploščic, počasi tone v ocean, medtem ko ploščice odstranjujete s plošče. Vsak igralec nadzoruje deset ljudi (v vrednosti 1-5), ki se poskušajo premakniti proti varnemu okoliškim otokom, preden vulkani na glavnem otoku končno izbruhnejo. Igralci lahko plavajo ali uporabljajo splave za potovanje, vendar se morajo na poti na varno izogibati morskim kačam, kaiju in morskim psom.
Toda vaši meepli niso vsi enaki. Vsak ima na dnu številko od 1 do 5, ki predstavlja število točk, ki so jih vredni, če jih rešijo. Igralci si lahko zapomnijo te številke med začetnim postavljanjem, ne morejo pa gledati med igro.
Ko ste na vrsti, imate na voljo 3 gibe, bodisi meeplov po kopnem ali splav po vodi. Uporabite jih pametno!
Nato pride do dviga vode, ki odstrani eno od ploščic otoka in ostane samo voda. Ko je ploščica otoka odstranjena, jo igralec obrne, da vidi, ali naj ukrepa takoj (na primer ustvari novo morsko bitje) ali pa dobi enkratno sposobnost, ki jo lahko uporabi pozneje v igri, na primer prijateljski obračun delfin ti premakne dodatne prostore.
Na koncu vržete kocko bitja in ustrezno premaknete negativce. Te pošasti lahko meeple izločijo iz igre in za vedno izgubijo te točke.
Igra se konča, ko ni nobenega pustolovca, ki bi ga bilo treba rešiti, ali ko izbruhne tretji vulkan. Preštejte točke na dnu vaših rešenih meeplov - zmaga največ točk!
Survive the Island je preprosta igra, ki se je lahko naučiti in lahkotna. Ena stvar, ki jo je treba opozoriti, je, da čeprav je vaš glavni cilj reševanje lastnih meeplov, je v procesu malo "vzemite to". Konec koncev, ko morate premakniti pošasti, jih ne boste poslali za svojimi meepli!
Sliši se zabavno, kajne? V njej lahko uživate prav zdaj na Board Game Arena tako da kliknete spodnjo povezavo in odkrijete vse podrobnosti, preden se vključite v igro:
In vse po zaslugi oblikovalca igre Julian Courtland-Smith in celotne založniške ekipe Zygomatic lahko uživate v tem naslovu na platformi!
Naj še omenimo, da je igro v celoti razvil darhf, ki je ponovno opravil odlično delo. Z lahkoto jo lahko predvajate iz telefona, tablice ali računalnika, zahvaljujoč ravni skrbnosti, ki je bila vložena v ta vrata.
In to je to za vaš sredin čas za izdajo!
Se vidimo čez nekaj dni, čas je presenečenj in daril za vse in všeč vam bo, kaj vam bomo kmalu prinesli.
Do naslednjega tedna pazite nase in igrajte pošteno!