In Small World, players compete for dominance in a world that is far too small to house all its inhabitants peacefully.
Designed by Philippe Keyaerts as a whimsical, fantasy successor to his acclaimed game Vinci, Small World is teeming with colorful characters like dwarves, wizards, amazons, giants, orcs, and humans. Each race battles for control by occupying territories and conquering neighbors, striving to push rival civilizations off the map.
Players choose from 14 unique fantasy races and pair them with 20 distinct special powers to create dynamic combinations. The goal is to expand your empire rapidly- but knowing when to let your overextended civilization decline and switch to a fresh one is just as crucial for success.
Each turn, you use your active race's tiles to occupy adjacent territories, defeating weaker opponents where necessary. When a race becomes too stretched to continue thriving, you can put it "into decline" by flipping its tiles to their black-and-white side, making room for a new, active race.
At the end of every turn, you earn coins for each territory your races control. You may have one active race and one declining race on the board simultaneously, with occupation totals influenced by race-specific abilities and the regions they occupy. After the final round, the player with the most coins emerges victorious.
Small World offers a fast-paced, strategic experience where timing and tactical decisions are key to conquering this overcrowded fantasy land.
The game is an absolute classic for more than 15 years now, and it was more than time for it to be available for all on our platform.
Play it now by clicking the link below:
We would love to thank the strong efforts done by Moof to port this amazing game to Board Game Arena, and for all of the work done there.
Let's also celebrate Days Of Wonders for allowing us to bring this title for all to play, on most devices, all over the (small) world.
That's it for today.
Have a wonderful holiday season. Today is our gift to you for your loyalty and support.
As always, see you soon for another wonderful release, and until then...
Take care and play fair!
Konec koncev je SVET MAJHEN...
V Small World igralci tekmujejo za prevlado v svetu, ki je veliko premajhen, da bi mirno nastanil vse svoje prebivalce.
Mali svet, ki ga je zasnoval Philippe Keyaerts kot čudaški, domišljijski naslednik njegove hvaljene igre Vinci, mrgoli barvitih likov, kot so škrati, čarovniki, Amazonke, velikani, orki in ljudje. Vsaka rasa se bori za nadzor z zasedbo ozemelj in osvajanjem sosedov ter si prizadeva izriniti konkurenčne civilizacije z zemljevida.
Igralci izbirajo med 14 edinstvenimi domišljijskimi dirkami in jih združijo z 20 različnimi posebnimi močmi za ustvarjanje dinamičnih kombinacij. Cilj je hitro razširiti svoj imperij, vendar je za uspeh prav tako ključnega pomena vedeti, kdaj pustiti, da vaša prerazširjena civilizacija propade in preiti na novo.
Vsako potezo uporabite ploščice vaše aktivne rase, da zasedete sosednja ozemlja in premagate šibkejše nasprotnike, kjer je to potrebno. Ko postane rasa preveč raztegnjena, da bi še naprej uspevala, jo lahko spravite "v zaton", tako da njene ploščice obrnete na črno-belo stran in tako naredite prostor za novo, aktivno raso.
Na koncu vsakega koraka zaslužite kovance za vsako ozemlje, ki ga nadzira vaša rasa. Na plošči imate lahko istočasno eno aktivno raso in eno padajočo raso, pri čemer na skupno število poklicev vplivajo sposobnosti, specifične za posamezno raso, in regije, ki jih zasedajo. Po zadnjem krogu zmaga igralec z največ kovanci.
Small World ponuja hitro razvijajočo se strateško izkušnjo, kjer so časovne in taktične odločitve ključne za osvojitev te prenatrpane domišljijske dežele.
Igra je absolutna klasika že več kot 15 let in bil je več kot čas, da je na voljo vsem na naši platformi.
Igrajte jo zdaj s klikom na spodnjo povezavo:
Radi bi se zahvalili močnemu trudu Moof, da prenese to neverjetno igro v ** Board Game Arena **, in za vse tam opravljeno delo.
Praznujmo tudi Days Of Wonders, ker so nam omogočili, da lahko ponudimo ta naslov za igranje vsem, na večini naprav, po vsem (majhnem) svetu.
To je to za danes.
Imejte čudovit praznični čas. Danes je naše darilo za vašo zvestobo in podporo.
Kot vedno, se kmalu vidimo na še eni čudoviti izdaji, do takrat pa...
Pazite se in igrajte pošteno!