Board Game Arena is excited to announce the addition of eight beloved tabletop and card games developed by the talented UFM. These timeless classics are now available on BGA for you to play and enjoy! Here is an overview of each game and a direct link to their pages:
1. Spite & Malice
Known as "Cat and Mouse," this classic card game is all about playing your cards in the right sequence while blocking your opponent’s progress. Outsmart your rivals to empty your stockpile first.
Play Spite & Malice Now:
2. Canasta
A thrilling team-based card game where players form melds and aim to score big by creating Canastas. Strategy and cooperation are key to victory in this timeless classic.
Play Canasta Now:
3. Open Face
A twist on traditional poker, Open Face requires strategic card placement and risk management to create the best poker hands across three rows. Test your wits in this high-stakes challenge.
Play Open Face Now:
4. Euchre
A trick-taking card game with roots in the 19th century, Euchre is all about teamwork and strategy. Can you and your partner out-maneuver your opponents?
Play Euchre Now:
5. Farkle
A dice game of luck and strategy, Farkle challenges players to push their luck as they roll for high scores. Risk it all or play it safe- the choice is yours.
Play Farkle Now:
6. Ludo
A family favorite, Ludo combines strategy and luck as players race their tokens around the board. Block, strategize, and roll your way to victory.
Play Ludo Now:
7. Go Stop
A traditional Korean card game, Go Stop requires skill and quick thinking as players match cards to score points and declare victory. A unique and engaging challenge awaits.
Play Go Stop Now:
8. Kings in the Corner
A solitaire-style card game that pits players against each other in a race to get rid of their cards by building piles in a clockwise pattern. Simple yet deeply strategic.
Play King in the Corner Now:
UFM’s collection showcases the enduring appeal of these classic games. Whether you are looking to relive fond memories or discover new favorites, these games offer something for everyone. Log in to your BGA account today and start learning these games through their tutorials, or just join a table!
That's it for your Monday release. What's coming next? The top and newest content you can find and play online.
Until Wednesday, for your WRT, take care and play fair!
UFM Classics: Celoten nabor klasičnih iger za vse!
** Board Game Arena ** z navdušenjem napoveduje dodatek osmih priljubljenih namiznih iger in iger s kartami, ki jih je razvil nadarjeni UFM. Te brezčasne klasike so zdaj na voljo na BGA, da jih igrate in uživate! Tukaj je pregled vsake igre in neposredna povezava do njihovih strani:
1. Spite & Malice
Ta klasična igra s kartami, znana kot "Mačka in miška", je namenjena igranju s kartami v pravem zaporedju in hkrati blokiranju napredka nasprotnika. Prelisičite svoje tekmece in najprej izpraznite svoje zaloge.
Igraj Spite & Malice zdaj:
2. Canasta
Vznemirljiva timska igra s kartami, kjer se igralci združujejo in si prizadevajo doseči velik rezultat z ustvarjanjem kanast. Strategija in sodelovanje sta ključnega pomena za zmago v tej brezčasni klasiki.
Igraj Canasta zdaj:
3. Odprt obraz
Zasuk tradicionalnega pokra, Open Face zahteva strateško postavitev kart in obvladovanje tveganja, da ustvarite najboljše poker kombinacije v treh vrstah. Preizkusite svojo pamet v tem izzivu z visokimi vložki.
Igrajte Open Face zdaj:
4. Euchre
Euchre je igra s kartami, ki zajema trike, s koreninami v 19. stoletju in temelji na timskem delu in strategiji. Ali lahko vi in vaš partner premagate nasprotnike?
Igrajte Euchre zdaj:
5. Farkle
Igra s kockami sreče in strategije, Farkle izziva igralce, da spodbujajo svojo srečo, ko mečejo za visoke rezultate. Tvegajte vse ali igrajte varno – izbira je vaša.
Igraj Farkle zdaj:
6. Ludo
Družinski najljubši Ludo združuje strategijo in srečo, medtem ko igralci tekmujejo s svojimi žetoni na mizi. Blokirajte, oblikujte strategijo in se pomaknite do zmage.
Igraj Ludo zdaj:
7. Pojdi nehaj
Tradicionalna korejska igra s kartami Go Stop zahteva spretnost in hitro razmišljanje, ko igralci povežejo karte, da dosežejo točke in razglasijo zmago. Čaka vas edinstven in privlačen izziv.
Igraj Go Stop zdaj:
8. Kings in the Corner
Igra s kartami v slogu pasjanse, pri kateri se igralci pomerijo drug proti drugemu v tekmi, da se znebijo svojih kart, tako da gradijo kupe v smeri urinega kazalca. Preprosto, a zelo strateško.
Igraj King in the Corner zdaj:
Zbirka UFM prikazuje trajno privlačnost teh klasičnih iger. Ne glede na to, ali želite podoživeti lepe spomine ali odkriti nove priljubljene, te igre ponujajo za vsakogar nekaj. Prijavite se v svoj račun BGA še danes in se začnite učiti teh iger prek njihovih vadnic ali pa se pridružite mizi!
To je to za vašo ponedeljkovo objavo. Kaj sledi? Najboljša in najnovejša vsebina, ki jo lahko najdete in predvajate v spletu.
Do srede za vaš WRT, pazite se in igrajte pošteno!