Congratulations to all participants and winners from the previous season!
But wait, what exactly is "the Arena?"
The Arena is the competitive mode on BGA. If you master a game and want to play it competitively, this is THE mode to use, so you can challenge the best players and get the most experience points.
The Arena is organized in seasons of 3 months each. Achievements are awarded to the best players at the end of each season.
To play in the Arena: select "Play" and then choose "Arena" instead of "Simple game."
Arena format and Gurus
In the previous seasons, it was you (more exactly the gurus) who chose the game formats for the Arena: player number, options used, ...
We are very happy to see that this way of doing things contributed to making the Arena more popular: thank you to all gurus for their smart suggestions and their votes!
Rules updates
No Arena rules are changing this season. It does not mean we are 100% satisfied with how the Arena is running, but you seem to appreciate the current rules so we want to keep them as they are for now.
Season 20 is NOW Launched.
The new Arena is now open for its new season.
Some Explanation About: Relegations
At the end of each season, after winners have been awarded, you are relegated.
Some custom relegation rules may have been applied to games for some reason (ex: we decided to update the number of leagues), but in general here is what happens:
- For games with 6 or 5 different leagues, all players are decreased by 3 leagues.
- For games with 4 different leagues, all players are decreased by 2 leagues.
- For games with 2 or 3 different leagues, all players are decreased by 1 league.
- For all games and all leagues, your number of Arena points is reset to 1, and your AES ("Arena Elo") is reset to 1500.
It's up to you to find the way to the elite!
May the odds be ever in your favor!
You'll find soon below the updated options for each game for this new arena season
Arena, sezona 20: Blizzard iger
Čestitke vsem udeležencem in zmagovalcem prejšnje sezone!
Toda počakajte, kaj točno je "Arena?"
Arena je tekmovalni način na BGA. Če obvladate igro in jo želite igrati tekmovalno, je ta način za uporabo, tako da lahko izzovete najboljše igralce in pridobite največ točk izkušenj.
Arena je organizirana v sezonah po 3 mesece. Dosežki se podelijo najboljšim igralcem ob koncu vsake sezone.
Če želite igrati v Areni: izberite "Igraj" in nato izberite "Arena" namesto "Enostavna igra."
Arena format in Guruji
V prejšnjih sezonah ste vi (natančneje guruji) izbrali formate iger za Areno: številka igralca , uporabljene možnosti, ...
Zelo smo veseli, da je ta način dela prispeval k večji priljubljenosti Arene: hvala vsem gurujem za pametne predloge in glasove!
Posodobitve pravil
To sezono se pravila Arene ne spreminjajo. To ne pomeni, da smo 100 % zadovoljni s tem, kako Arena deluje, vendar se zdi, da cenite trenutna pravila, zato jih želimo za zdaj ohraniti takšna, kot so.
Sezona 20 je ZDAJ predstavljena.
Nova Arena je zdaj odprta za novo sezono.
Nekaj pojasnil o: izpadih
Na koncu vsake sezone, po podelitvi zmagovalcev, izpadete iz lige.
Nekatera pravila za izpadanje po meri so bila morda uporabljena za igre iz nekega razloga (npr. odločili smo se posodobiti število lig), toda na splošno se zgodi naslednje:
- Za igre s 6 ali 5 različnimi ligami se vsi igralci zmanjšajo za 3 lige.
- Za igre s 4 različnimi ligami se vsi igralci zmanjšajo za 2 ligi.
- Za igre z 2 ali 3 različnimi ligami se vsi igralci zmanjšajo za 1 ligo.
- Za vse igre in vse lige je vaše število točk Arene ponastavljeno na 1, vaš AES ("Arena Elo") pa je ponastavljen na 1500.
Na tebi je, da najdeš pot do elite!
Naj vam bodo možnosti vedno naklonjene!
Spodaj boste kmalu našli posodobljene možnosti za vsako igro za to novo sezono arene