As a Jarl, you travel the northern seas to achieve immortal glory. Under the sails of your own ship, which is built like a karve (Karvi), you will lead a crew, trade with foreign cultures and plunder other lands.
Strengthen the skills of your crew by upgrading your ship and hiring stronger warriors. Whether you wish to establish new trade routes to secure rare goods or battle distant settlements to plunder their riches, your path to glory is yours to choose. But make sure to remember to stock up on beer and bread, so you have enough supplies to outmaneuver the competing clans.
The gameplay is based on Glen More's famous "rondel" system. Players move around a track, with priority always given to the one in the last position. Additionally, there is the subtle twist of having to wait for your companions once you have completed a full lap. A mechanic that is easy to understand, fosters genuine table interaction, and enhances the timing and risk-taking aspects of decision-making.
Successful planning will make you renowned throughout the lands, and secure your place in Norse legend as a fearless Jarl.
It's time for you to dive in the first advanced game release of the year, and you might have a blast if you click the link below:
Let's thank the whole team from Hans Im Glück and the game designer Torgeir Tjong for their authorization to bring this novelty on Board Game Arena, and at the same time, celebrate the work done by Archduke who made an excellent work porting this title to the platform.
And now it's time for you to take the sea...
Don't forget to take care and... play fair!
See you next week for another amazing release...
KARVI: Prijatelje imej blizu, sovražnike pa malo dlje...
Kot Jarl potujete po severnih morjih, da bi dosegli nesmrtno slavo. Pod jadri lastne ladje, ki je zgrajena kot karve (Karvi), boste vodili posadko, trgovali s tujimi kulturami in plenili druge dežele.
Okrepite veščine svoje posadke tako, da nadgradite svojo ladjo in najamete močnejše bojevnike. Ne glede na to, ali želite vzpostaviti nove trgovske poti, da zagotovite redke dobrine, ali se želite boriti z oddaljenimi naselbinami in pleniti njihovo bogastvo, svojo pot do slave lahko izberete sami. Vendar ne pozabite narediti zaloge piva in kruha, da boste imeli dovolj zalog, da boste premagali konkurenčne klane.
Igranje temelji na slavnem sistemu "rondel" Glena Morea. Igralci se premikajo po stezi, pri čemer ima vedno prednost tisti, ki je na zadnjem mestu. Poleg tega obstaja subtilen zasuk, ko morate počakati na svoje spremljevalce, ko pretečete celoten krog. Mehanika, ki je lahko razumljiva, spodbuja pristno interakcijo miz in izboljša časovno razporeditev in vidike tveganja pri odločanju.
Z uspešnim načrtovanjem boste zasloveli po vseh deželah in si zagotovili mesto v nordijski legendi kot neustrašni Jarl.
Čas je, da se potopite v prvo letošnjo izdajo napredne igre in morda boste navdušeni, če kliknete spodnjo povezavo:
Zahvaljujmo se celotni ekipi Hans Im Glück in oblikovalcu igre Torgeir Tjong za njuno pooblastilo za uvedbo te novosti na Board Game Arena, hkrati pa proslavimo delo, ki ga je opravil *Archduke * ki je odlično prenesel ta naslov na platformo.
In zdaj je čas, da greste na morje ...
Ne pozabite paziti in... igrati pošteno!
Se vidimo naslednji teden na še eni neverjetni izdaji...