After the massive success of Playpunk's first game (Captain Flip), let's discover Zenith by Gregory Grard and Mathieu Roussel, illustrated by Naïade.
This is a 2 player game, where the goal is to gain control over 5 planets in the solar system using a tug-of-war mechanism.
To win, you need either 3 tokens of the same planet, 4 different planets, or 5 tokens in total.
On your turn, you have 3 possible actions by playing a card. You can either use it for its effects and to advance on the tug-of-war track of the planet matching the card’s color, use it to collect resources, or progress on the technology tree.
It is incredibly efficient, and although complex this time, it remains very accessible in terms of rules, promising a solid progression curve with the game's 90 different cards!
Click the link below to dive into the game page and start a table in no-time:
Let's thank the PlayPunk team and the game designer duo, Grégory Grard & Mathieu Roussel, for their authorization to bring the game on our platform!
Also, we need to mention the work done by Moof to develop this game for Board Game Arena, and to send some kudos for his achievement.
That's all for this Monday, which is off to a great start,
We'll see you on Wednesday for the next release, but until then, take care and play fair!
ZENITH: Obzorje na vidiku!
Po velikem uspehu prve igre Playpunk (Captain Flip), odkrijmo Zenith avtorjev Gregory Grard in Mathieu Roussel, ilustrirala Naïade.
To je igra za 2 igralca, kjer je cilj pridobiti nadzor nad 5 planeti v sončnem sistemu z uporabo mehanizma vlečenja vrvi.
Za zmago potrebujete 3 žetone istega planeta, 4 različne planete ali skupaj 5 žetonov.
Ko ste na vrsti, imate 3 možne akcije z igranjem karte. Lahko jo uporabite za njene učinke in napredovanje na progi vlečenja vrvi planeta, ki se ujema z barvo karte, uporabite jo za zbiranje virov ali napredovanje na tehnološkem drevesu.
Je neverjetno učinkovita in čeprav je tokrat zapletena, ostaja zelo dostopna v smislu pravil, saj obljublja trdno krivuljo napredovanja z 90 različnimi kartami v igri!
Kliknite spodnjo povezavo, da se potopite na stran igre in takoj začnete igrati za mizo:
Zahvaljujmo se ekipi PlayPunk in dvojcu oblikovalcev iger, Grégory Grard & Mathieu Roussel, za njuno dovoljenje za prenos igre na našo platformo!
Prav tako moramo omeniti delo, ki ga je opravil Moof pri razvoju te igre za Board Game Arena, in poslati nekaj pohval za njegov dosežek.
To je vse za ta ponedeljek, ki se je začel odlično,
Vidimo se v sredo na naslednji objavi, do takrat pa pazite se in igrajte pošteno!