Get ready to celebrate the best of board gaming with the Board Game Arena Awards!
Following the success of the first Board Game Arena Awards in 2024, they're back! We invite you to vote for the games released in 2024 that brightened up your evenings.
Why these awards?
We all love to compete on the virtual board, but we also love to come together to discover hidden gems, share strategies, and celebrate our shared passion. The Awards are a chance to highlight the games that marked the year 2024, while giving you the opportunity to choose your favorites!
How does it work?
We have identified the games released on BGA in 2024 that have been most popular with players and divided them into several categories to cater to different tastes:
- Best Casual Game: For those quick, fun laughs and friendly competition.
- Best Regular Game: For games that offer strategic depth and satisfying complexity.
- Best Expert Game: For true puzzles, where only the sharpest minds will reign supreme.
- Best 2-player Game: For intense head-to-head battles.
- Best Animal Theme: For fans of the animal world.
How to vote?
- Visit the dedicated page:
- Check out the list of nominated games in each category.
- Select your favorite game in each category and click on it.
Note that you can change your vote at any time or click the "reset" button at the bottom of the page to start over.
We're trying new stuff and balancing of votes:
The main difference between this year and last year is that there are only 4 games in each category.
To vote in a category, you must have played all 4 nominated games at least once before the voting ends. So it's not too late to play them!
You can choose to vote in all categories or only in the ones that interest you.
It's your turn to play! Participate in the election of the best board games of 2024 and make your voice heard!
If you don't know some of the nominated titles, don't hesitate to discover them! The Board Game Arena Awards are the perfect opportunity to discover new games that could become your favorites.
May the best games win!
P.S.: Follow us on social media with the hashtag #BGAawards to stay up to date on the latest news.
BGA AWARDS 2025: GLASUJTE ZDAJ! (In odkrijte nove igre)
Pripravite se na praznovanje najboljšega igranja družabnih iger z nagradami Board Game Arena Awards!
Po uspehu prve podelitve nagrad Board Game Arena leta 2024 so se vrnili! Vabimo vas, da glasujete za igre, izdane v letu 2024, ki so vam popestrile večere.
Zakaj te nagrade?
Vsi radi tekmujemo na virtualni deski, radi pa se tudi zberemo, da odkrijemo skrite dragulje, delimo strategije in slavimo našo skupno strast. Nagrade so priložnost, da izpostavite igre, ki so zaznamovale leto 2024, hkrati pa vam dajejo možnost, da izberete svoje najljubše!
Kako deluje?
Identificirali smo igre, izdane na BGA leta 2024, ki so bile med igralci najbolj priljubljene, in jih razdelili v več kategorij, da bi zadovoljili različne okuse:
- Najboljša priložnostna igra: Za tisti hitri, zabavni smeh in prijateljsko tekmovanje.
- Najboljša navadna igra: Za igre, ki ponujajo strateško globino in zadovoljivo kompleksnost.
- Najboljša strokovna igra: Za prave uganke, kjer bodo kraljevali le najbolj ostri umi.
- Najboljša igra za 2 igralca: Za intenzivne dvoboje.
- Najboljša živalska tema: Za ljubitelje živalskega sveta.
Kako glasovati?
- Obiščite namensko stran:
- Oglejte si seznam nominiranih iger v vsaki kategoriji.
- Izberite svojo najljubšo igro v vsaki kategoriji in kliknite nanjo.
Upoštevajte, da lahko svoj glas kadar koli spremenite ali pa kliknete gumb »ponastavi« na dnu strani, da začnete znova.
Preizkušamo nove stvari in usklajujemo glasove:
Glavna razlika med letošnjim in lanskim letom je, da so v vsaki kategoriji samo 4 igre.
Če želite glasovati v kategoriji, morate pred koncem glasovanja vsaj enkrat odigrati vse 4 nominirane igre. Torej še ni prepozno, da jih igrate!
Glasujete lahko v vseh kategorijah ali samo v tistih, ki vas zanimajo.
Na vrsti si za igro! Sodelujte v izboru najboljših družabnih iger leta 2024 in povejte svoj glas!
Če nekaterih nominiranih naslovov ne poznate, jih ne oklevajte in jih odkrijte! Nagrade Board Game Arena Awards so odlična priložnost za odkrivanje novih iger, ki bi lahko postale vaše najljubše.
Naj zmagajo najboljše igre!
PS: Spremljajte nas na družbenih omrežjih z oznako #BGAawards, da boste na tekočem z najnovejšimi novicami.