Your troops need your tactical skills to lead them to victory. Your mission? Be the first to reach enemy headquarters or control more territory than your opponent.
On your turn in Toy Battle, you draw two toy troops or place a troop on the board and apply its effect.
When you place a troop, you can place it on an empty base, a base you control, a base the enemy controls with a troop of lower value than the one you place, or the enemy's headquarters; however, in all cases, you must place it on a location that has a continuous path to your own headquarters via bases you occupy, i.e. that have your troops on top. If you occupy bases that form a continuous path around an area, you get the medals for that area. (You do not lose these medals if the enemy later occupies one of these bases).
The game ends as soon as you occupy your opponent's headquarters or win the required number of medals according to the current game board. If a player cannot draw or place a troop, the game ends and the player with the most medals wins.
Is it THAT simple? Yes it is. Is it brilliant? Of course it is!
Now discover the depth of the strategies you can deploy to make yourself the greatest toy boss, by clicking the link below OR by learning it through the tutorial:
Let's thank the designers Paolo Mori and Alessandro Zucchini, with the support from Repos Production who are bringing a gem of a game on our platform.
And with the help of the incredible developers tchobello and MathCT, you can play it on most of your browser-based devices.
It's time to fight head to head.
That's it for your Monday release!
See you on Wednesday for more fun,
But until then, take care and play fair!
TOY BATTLE: MOBA & Tower defense style!
Vaše čete potrebujejo vaše taktične sposobnosti, da jih popeljete do zmage. Vaše poslanstvo? Bodite prvi, ki doseže sovražnikovo poveljstvo ali nadzorujete več ozemlja kot vaš nasprotnik.
Ko ste na vrsti v Toy Battle, izžrebate dve četi igrač ali postavite četo na tablo in uporabite njen učinek.
Ko postavite četo, jo lahko postavite na prazno bazo, bazo, ki jo nadzirate, bazo, ki jo nadzoruje sovražnik, s četo nižje vrednosti od tiste, ki jo postavite, ali na sovražnikov štab; vendar ga morate v vseh primerih postaviti na lokacijo, ki ima neprekinjeno pot do vašega lastnega štaba prek baz, ki jih zasedate, tj. na katerih so vaše čete. Če zasedete baze, ki tvorijo neprekinjeno pot okoli območja, prejmete medalje za to območje. (Te medalje ne izgubite, če sovražnik pozneje zasede eno od teh baz).
Igra se konča takoj, ko zasedete nasprotnikov štab ali osvojite potrebno število medalj glede na trenutno igralno ploščo. Če igralec ne more izžrebati ali postaviti čete, se igra konča in zmaga igralec z največ medaljami.
Je TAKO preprosto? Ja res je. Je briljantno? Seveda je!
Zdaj odkrijte globino strategij, ki jih lahko uporabite, da postanete največji šef igrače, tako da kliknete spodnjo povezavo ALI tako, da se tega naučite skozi vadnico:
Zahvalimo se oblikovalcema Paolu Mori in Alessandru Zucchini s podporo Repos Production, ki prinašata biser igre na našo platformo.
In s pomočjo neverjetnih razvijalcev tchobello in MathCT jo lahko predvajate na večini svojih naprav, ki temeljijo na brskalniku.
Čas je za dvoboj na glavo.
To je to za vašo ponedeljkovo objavo!
Se vidimo v sredo za več zabave,
Do takrat pa pazite in igrajte pošteno!