27 672 online igralcev: 21 900 igra • {WAITING} na voljo

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Število odigranih potez -

Ta storitev je brezplačna, vendar nas strežniki lahko stanejo veliko denarja.
Podpri nas in postani Premium

Izpadi storitev

Our philosophy

Having a gaming service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week is not something easy to achieve for a (very) small team like ours. In addition, BGA is a realtime service, and any service outage may ruins games in progress.

Our philosophy is to be transparent on service outages, by explaining why it happens, what has been impacted (and how long), and what we did to make sure it won't happen again. Explaining all of this is the goal of this page.

Note: If an incident is in progress, live updates will be available on our twitter feed and/or on our Facebook page

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