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Konfiguracija mize

Način igre
Običajni način
Hitrost igre
Potezno • določen čas na potezo
Čas dodeljen vsakemu igralcu
Ure igranja
24 ur na dan (brez igralnih ur)
Goal board
Default option with more direct competition between for goals.
Language-dependent bonus cards
Include language dependent cards (Anatomist, Cartographer, Historian, Photographer) in the bonus deck.
Powerful bird cards
Include Chihuahuan Raven, Common Raven, Franklin's Gull, and Killdeer in the bird deck (default)
Swift Start Birds
Do not use
Do not include 10 bird cards from Swift Start pack

1 min

povprečna čakalna doba

Rezultat igre

Quickthinker (Sporočanje napak) [creator]
88 (3)
+11   ->  

whtmn (Sporočanje napak) [creator]
77 (2)
-11   ->  


Postani Premium in razkrij statistiko igre!

Igralni čas
Povprečna stopnja igralcev
Povprečen rezultat
Round 1 goal
Round 2 goal
Round 3 goal
Round 4 goal
Rezultat igre 1. (88)2. (77)
Čas za razmislek masked minmasked min
Score from bird cards maskedmasked
Score from bonus cards maskedmasked
Score from end-round goals maskedmasked
Score from eggs maskedmasked
Score from cached food maskedmasked
Score from tucked bird cards maskedmasked
Food tokens in supply maskedmasked
Ptice v gozdu maskedmasked
Birds in the grassland maskedmasked
Birds in the wetland maskedmasked
Round 1 goal value maskedmasked
Round 2 goal value maskedmasked
Round 3 goal value maskedmasked
Round 4 goal value maskedmasked
Round 1 goal score maskedmasked
Round 2 goal score maskedmasked
Round 3 goal score maskedmasked
Round 4 goal score maskedmasked
Food gained from Forest action maskedmasked
Food gained from bird powers maskedmasked
Eggs gained from Grassland action maskedmasked
Eggs gained from bird powers maskedmasked
Bird cards gained from wetland action maskedmasked
Bird cards gained from bird powers maskedmasked
Bonus cards in hand maskedmasked
Bird cards in hand maskedmasked
Forest Bird 1 maskedmasked
Forest Bird 2 maskedmasked
Forest Bird 3 maskedmasked
Forest Bird 4 maskedmasked
Forest Bird 5 maskedmasked
Grassland Bird 1 maskedmasked
Grassland Bird 2 maskedmasked
Grassland Bird 3 maskedmasked
Grassland Bird 4 maskedmasked
Grassland Bird 5 maskedmasked
Wetland Bird 1 maskedmasked
Wetland Bird 2 maskedmasked
Wetland Bird 3 maskedmasked
Wetland Bird 4 maskedmasked
Wetland Bird 5 maskedmasked
Vsa statistika
Statistika osebe Quickthinker pri tej igri
Statistika osebe whtmn pri tej igri

Konfiguracija mize

Način igre
Običajni način
Hitrost igre
Potezno • določen čas na potezo
+0:00 na potezo (največ 0:00)
Čas dodeljen vsakemu igralcu
Ure igranja
24 ur na dan (brez igralnih ur)
Goal board
Default option with more direct competition between for goals.
Language-dependent bonus cards
Include language dependent cards (Anatomist, Cartographer, Historian, Photographer) in the bonus deck.
Powerful bird cards
Include Chihuahuan Raven, Common Raven, Franklin's Gull, and Killdeer in the bird deck (default)
Swift Start Birds
Do not use
Do not include 10 bird cards from Swift Start pack

Igralci okoli te mize

O igri

Kako igrati?

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HVALA : Vi ste eden naših najbolj zvestih igralcev!
Pridobi najboljše od Board Game Arena za samo $5 / mesec.