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Konfiguracija mize

Način igre
Običajni način
Hitrost igre
Potezno • določen čas na potezo
Čas dodeljen vsakemu igralcu
Ure igranja
24 ur na dan (brez igralnih ur)
Game board
Revised Base Game
Faction board
Factions selected in player order
Starting VP
Adjusted by Faction
Turn order
Variable turn order
Landscapes expansion
Fire and Ice - Final Scoring tiles
Fire and Ice - Factions
Fan Factions

6 min

povprečna čakalna doba

Rezultat igre

DUKE_LUCKY (Sporočanje napak) [creator]
136 (0)
+9   ->  

pashakeg (Sporočanje napak) [creator]
115 (0)
-9   ->  


Postani Premium in razkrij statistiko igre!

Igralni čas
Povprečna stopnja igralcev
Povprečen rezultat
Number of actions taken
Winning faction
Game board
Landscapes expansion
Fire and Ice - Final Scoring tiles
Fire and Ice - Factions
Fan Factions
Rezultat igre 1. (136)2. (115)
Čas za razmislek masked minmasked min
Number of actions taken maskedmasked
Faction chosen maskedmasked
Starting VPs maskedmasked
First turn order maskedmasked
Dwellings built maskedmasked
Trading houses built maskedmasked
Temples built maskedmasked
Sanctuaries built maskedmasked
Strongholds built maskedmasked
Towns founded maskedmasked
Favor tiles maskedmasked
Transform to home terrain maskedmasked
Transform to other terrain maskedmasked
Advance on the Shipping track maskedmasked
Advance on the Exchange track maskedmasked
Advance on the Cult of Fire track maskedmasked
Advance on the Cult of Water track maskedmasked
Advance on the Cult of Earth track maskedmasked
Advance on the Cult of Air track maskedmasked
'Build a bridge' Power actions maskedmasked
'Gain 1 priest' Power actions maskedmasked
'Gain 2 workers' Power actions maskedmasked
'Gain 7 coins' Power actions maskedmasked
'Gain 1 spade' Power actions maskedmasked
'Gain 2 spades' Power actions maskedmasked
Coins earned by income maskedmasked
Coins collected on Bonus cards maskedmasked
Coins earned by Power Action maskedmasked
Coins earned by founding a Town maskedmasked
Coins earned by Cult bonus maskedmasked
Coins earned by conversion maskedmasked
Coins earned by Faction Stronghold or Ability maskedmasked
Coins earned (total) maskedmasked
Workers earned by income maskedmasked
Workers earned by Power Action maskedmasked
Workers earned by Cult bonus maskedmasked
Workers earned by founding a Town maskedmasked
Workers earned by conversion maskedmasked
Workers earned by Faction Stronghold or Ability maskedmasked
Workers earned (total) maskedmasked
Priests earned by income maskedmasked
Priests earned by Power Action maskedmasked
Priests earned by Cult bonus maskedmasked
Priests earned by founding a Town maskedmasked
Priests earned by conversion maskedmasked
Priests earned by Faction Stronghold or Ability maskedmasked
Priests earned (total) maskedmasked
Power earned by income maskedmasked
Power earned via structures maskedmasked
Power earned on Cult tracks maskedmasked
Power earned by Cult bonus maskedmasked
Power earned by founding a Town maskedmasked
Power earned by Sacrificing power maskedmasked
Power earned by Faction Stronghold or Ability maskedmasked
Power earned (total) maskedmasked
New Power token gained maskedmasked
Power token sacrificed maskedmasked
VP earned by Scoring tile maskedmasked
VP earned by Favor tile maskedmasked
VP earned by Bonus card maskedmasked
VP earned by Town tile maskedmasked
VP earned by Area scoring maskedmasked
VP earned by Cult scoring maskedmasked
VP earned by Fire & Ice Final Scoring maskedmasked
VP earned by Resource scoring maskedmasked
VP earned by Faction Stronghold or Ability maskedmasked
VP earned by progressing on the Exchange track maskedmasked
VP earned by progressing on the Shipping track maskedmasked
VP earned (total) maskedmasked
Starting VP for the chosen Faction maskedmasked
VP spent to gain Power via structures maskedmasked
VP spent with Faction ability maskedmasked
Vsa statistika
Statistika osebe DUKE_LUCKY pri tej igri
Statistika osebe pashakeg pri tej igri

Konfiguracija mize

Način igre
Običajni način
Hitrost igre
Potezno • določen čas na potezo
+0:00 na potezo (največ 0:00)
Čas dodeljen vsakemu igralcu
Ure igranja
24 ur na dan (brez igralnih ur)
Game board
Revised Base Game
Faction board
Factions selected in player order
Starting VP
Adjusted by Faction
Turn order
Variable turn order
Landscapes expansion
Fire and Ice - Final Scoring tiles
Fire and Ice - Factions
Fan Factions

Igralci okoli te mize

O igri

Kako igrati?

Založil :


Razvil :

Board Game Arena (Een), Rincevent123

Izdaja :


HVALA : Vi ste eden naših najbolj zvestih igralcev!
Pridobi najboljše od Board Game Arena za samo $5 / mesec.