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Konfiguracija mize

Način igre
Običajni način
Hitrost igre
V živo • hitrejša hitrost
Simultaneous Followers phase
The Followers phase is played simultaneous. Players can draw followers from their bag simultaneous, once all players are done the Planning Phase begins. This speeds up the game, but you sacrifice small strategy aspects.
Available Place Tiles
Place Tiles are shuffled into stacks (I and II). 13 Place Tiles are drawn at random from each stack and are used in the game.
Place Tiles N°1
Orleans: Place Tiles N°1 is a mini expansion for Orléans that consists of three new place tiles: Bakery, Goldsmith, and Lair.
Place Tiles N°2
Orleans: Place Tiles N°2 is a mini expansion for Orléans that consists of three new place tiles: Barracks, Court, and Theatre.
Place Tiles N°3
Orleans: Place Tiles N°3 is a mini expansion for Orléans that consists of three new place tiles: Port, Quarry, and Workshop.
Place Tiles N°4
Orleans: Place Tiles N°4 is a mini expansion for Orléans that consists of three new place tiles: Bourgeois House, Lock, and Observatory.
Place Tiles N°5
Orleans: Place Tiles N°5 is a mini expansion for Orléans that consists of three new place tiles: Road, Ballroom, and Church.

3 min

povprečna čakalna doba

Rezultat igre

Konfiguracija mize

Način igre
Običajni način
Hitrost igre
V živo • hitrejša hitrost
+0:42 na potezo (največ 3:00)
Simultaneous Followers phase
The Followers phase is played simultaneous. Players can draw followers from their bag simultaneous, once all players are done the Planning Phase begins. This speeds up the game, but you sacrifice small strategy aspects.
Available Place Tiles
Place Tiles are shuffled into stacks (I and II). 13 Place Tiles are drawn at random from each stack and are used in the game.
Place Tiles N°1
Orleans: Place Tiles N°1 is a mini expansion for Orléans that consists of three new place tiles: Bakery, Goldsmith, and Lair.
Place Tiles N°2
Orleans: Place Tiles N°2 is a mini expansion for Orléans that consists of three new place tiles: Barracks, Court, and Theatre.
Place Tiles N°3
Orleans: Place Tiles N°3 is a mini expansion for Orléans that consists of three new place tiles: Port, Quarry, and Workshop.
Place Tiles N°4
Orleans: Place Tiles N°4 is a mini expansion for Orléans that consists of three new place tiles: Bourgeois House, Lock, and Observatory.
Place Tiles N°5
Orleans: Place Tiles N°5 is a mini expansion for Orléans that consists of three new place tiles: Road, Ballroom, and Church.

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