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#114226: "Inventory Track?"
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In the rulebook, the inventory track is shown on the right side of each player's glassworks board. I don't see this in the BGA adaptation. Is it shown elsewhere? This is how we know how close to game-end we are.• Kateri brskalnik uporabljaš?
Google Chrome v121
Zgodovina poročil
feb 10 th 2024 22:35 •
pasko92 • Tega predloga še niso analizirali razvijalci:
feb 10 th 2024 22:36 • It is shown in the Player panel and under the player board.
theAudsMustBeCrazy • Tega predloga še niso analizirali razvijalci:
feb 11 th 2024 2:03 • Ah, I see now it says "number of glass on board" or something like that on the player panel on the right. Again, I'd stick with the lingo in the rulebook or vice versa.
orangeglacier • Tega predloga še niso analizirali razvijalci:
feb 15 th 2024 3:38 • I think the player panel is a fine place to have the info, but I agree that it should use the same term as the rulebook.
salty-horse • Tega predloga še niso analizirali razvijalci:
feb 22 nd 2024 14:29 • I don't think it makes sense to call it a track when it's not a track, but perhaps use the word "Inventory".
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