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#117734: "The auto-scroll is intrusive and scrolls to the wrong position"
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• Kaj je bilo prikazano na zaslonu, ko ste bili blokirani (prazen zaslon? Del vmesnika za igro? Sporočilo o napaki?)
Every time a turn is played, the game slowly attempts to scroll to show the rocket's position, but does not actually arrive at the correct position, and causes important parts of the interface to scroll out of view and become unusable until the animation is finished. The game should not auto-scroll like this.• Kateri brskalnik uporabljaš?
Google Chrome v122
Zgodovina poročil
mar 17 th 2024 8:36 •
mar 26 th 2024 1:45 •
Gentaro79 • Razvijalcem tega hrošča še ni uspelo reproducirati:
jan 10 th 2025 14:41 • from mobile it happens continuously and the auto scroll always goes to the bottom of the page. At some moments it was impossible to bring the scroll back to the top. really unplayable!
Pythagosaurus • Razvijalcem tega hrošča še ni uspelo reproducirati:
mar 17 th 2025 20:10 • After every action on the mobile, it scrolls to the very bottom of the page.
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