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#118575: "Opportunist + Liberal/Socialist"
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Since Liberal/Socialist are played at the enf of scoring, in cobination with the Opportunist, I should have been able to play it just after my opponent played it too and thus the victory should have been mine.
This is following the scoring rules, and the comments made by publisher in various BGG topics.• Je kršitev pravil vidna na seznamu potez? Če je, pri kateri številki poteze?
End of game• Kateri brskalnik uporabljaš?
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Zgodovina poročil
mar 24 th 2024 21:22 •
BaronFraser • Hrošč je bil potrjen s strani razvijalcev:
mar 25 th 2024 0:08 • Greetings jorgeaol,
Thanks for your post!
Yikes. I thought I'd done my research on multiple Opportunists, but I've scoured BGG after your post and I assume you're referred to the post at boardgamegeek.com/thread/1951853/article/42895463#42895463?
"Score everything but Opportunist (and Opportunist copies from Liberal/Socialist). Then, if a player with an Opportunist is second, that players scores 10 points, and then, if a new player is second, that players scores 10 points too."
If so, I will need to follow this up.
As a heads up in the meantime:
1. In the LIVE codebase for Bunny Kingdom, it's problematically arbitrary. It actually resolves the scores in sequential order, which means that where there are multiple Opportunists, the end result can differ depending on the order that it takes. Which is suboptimal!
2. There is a major update on the way for Bunny Kingdom, and in that update I have clarified this to resolve all Opportunists simultaneously. That ensures consistency, but would mean that in your case, Eildun would score and you would not.
3. But I wasn't aware of this forum post so will confirm it with IELLO.
Either way this won't affect the outcome of your game, but I'll track down confirmation and make sure it's implemented correctly in the upcoming major update.
Thanks for your post!
Yikes. I thought I'd done my research on multiple Opportunists, but I've scoured BGG after your post and I assume you're referred to the post at boardgamegeek.com/thread/1951853/article/42895463#42895463?
"Score everything but Opportunist (and Opportunist copies from Liberal/Socialist). Then, if a player with an Opportunist is second, that players scores 10 points, and then, if a new player is second, that players scores 10 points too."
If so, I will need to follow this up.
As a heads up in the meantime:
1. In the LIVE codebase for Bunny Kingdom, it's problematically arbitrary. It actually resolves the scores in sequential order, which means that where there are multiple Opportunists, the end result can differ depending on the order that it takes. Which is suboptimal!
2. There is a major update on the way for Bunny Kingdom, and in that update I have clarified this to resolve all Opportunists simultaneously. That ensures consistency, but would mean that in your case, Eildun would score and you would not.
3. But I wasn't aware of this forum post so will confirm it with IELLO.
Either way this won't affect the outcome of your game, but I'll track down confirmation and make sure it's implemented correctly in the upcoming major update.
ApteryxLG • Hrošč je bil potrjen s strani razvijalcev:
apr 17 th 2024 18:14 • same bug it cost my victory
Bunny Kingdom #501161373
Bunny Kingdom #501161373
ApteryxLG • Hrošč je bil potrjen s strani razvijalcev:
apr 17 th 2024 18:23 • imgur.com/05y5tdZ
We can see my opportunist didnt work becaus i was the first but the second player opportunist work
We can see my opportunist didnt work becaus i was the first but the second player opportunist work
BaronFraser • Hrošč je bil potrjen s strani razvijalcev:
apr 18 th 2024 0:13 • Hey all,
Thanks for that. Just an update on this one: I have confirmed with IELLO that the post on that BGG thread is the official rules and a revised approach has been developed.
It is currently in testing and required some fairly significant changes to the scoring systems, so it may be a while longer before it's released - but it's on its way.
Thanks for that. Just an update on this one: I have confirmed with IELLO that the post on that BGG thread is the official rules and a revised approach has been developed.
It is currently in testing and required some fairly significant changes to the scoring systems, so it may be a while longer before it's released - but it's on its way.
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