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#122344: "Confirm that you REALLY want to cover another tile"
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On several occasions I have accidentally dropped a tile on top of another because my mouse is dodgy or my dog has walked across the keyboard, or I've been playing too late at night and I'm tired ;)
Would it be possible to have a pop-up that just checks you want to do that, as seen in other games?
Also where in the preferences can you choose to have an undo/cancel button please? I can't find it.
Many thanks• Kateri brskalnik uporabljaš?
Google Chrome v124
Zgodovina poročil
apr 27 th 2024 15:52 •
Funcomesfirst • Tega predloga še niso analizirali razvijalci:
feb 6 th 2025 16:59 • I would also suggest a Confirm button after tile placement. I think it should happen for every turn, regardless of covering a tile or not, though. This is different from Undo because you cannot give back the tile you selected but it would be nice to be able to move it on an occasion if it is misplaced originally.
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