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#142743: "Game continues for an additional round, when stack is emptied by last player"
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Natančen opis
• Kateri del pravil ni bil upoštevan pri priredbi za BGA
The game end can be triggered in 2 ways and the rules say "When this happens, play continues until the player to the right of the Starting Player finishes their turn."
In the game linked, yellow was the last player of the round and emptied a stack (Move 129), but we all played another round (Moves 130-132).
As I understand the rules, 130-132 should not have happened. The players who share the empty stack are disadvantaged in this last round, as they have one option less to choose from.
On the other hand, when the last player of the round finished their 6th objective, the game ends immediately.
If I misunderstood the rule to be "the current round + one more" then it should be consistent for both triggers - but then the player could possibly complete another goal, and have more than 6th - which is also not allowed.
Therefore, I think the game should finish immediately, if the last player of the round empties a stack.
• Je kršitev pravil vidna na seznamu potez? Če je, pri kateri številki poteze?
Emptied Stack: Table #578082341, Moves 129-130; Screenshot: imgur.com/tx158ao
6th Objective: Table #575880379, Move 89; Screenshot: imgur.com/a/se0oDgg• Kateri brskalnik uporabljaš?
Google Chrome v129
Zgodovina poročil
eneri • Razvijalcem tega hrošča še ni uspelo reproducirati:
okt 20 th 2024 20:43 • I think, I have seen this in other games as well and can provide more IDs if required.
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