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#151646: "Game log shows player meeples in the wrong colors"
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Natančen opis
• Prosim opiši problem s prikazom. Če imate sliko zaslona te napake (dobra praksa), lahko uporabite Imgur.com za nalaganje in kopirate/prilepite povezavo do slike tukaj.
Sometimes, the game log shows player meeples in the wrong colors. For instance, at table #602344885, turns #119 and #120, player Rilster21 (orange) moved two of their own (orange) meeples. But the log shows that the player moved two purple meeples (belonging to a different player, nibblenoevil).
The colors are incorrect in the normal table view (boardgamearena.com/14/survive?table=602344885). But the colors are correct when viewing the replay (boardgamearena.com/14/survive?table=602344885&replayFrom=119). The replay shows that the orange player moved two orange meeples.• Kateri brskalnik uporabljaš?
Google Chrome v131
Zgodovina poročil
nibblenoevil • Razvijalcem tega hrošča še ni uspelo reproducirati:
jan 2 nd 2025 19:10 • two screenshots, showing normal game view (with incorrect colors) vs. replay (with correct colors): imgur.com/a/rVPRcqX
PakarnU • Razvijalcem tega hrošča še ni uspelo reproducirati:
jan 24 th 2025 2:24 • The problem appear randomly, sometimes the color is showing correctly but sometimes it back to incorrect again.
PapaVitamin • Razvijalcem tega hrošča še ni uspelo reproducirati:
feb 10 th 2025 20:22 • For me it happens all the time when playing turn game. In history colours are reverted.
ExpendableEnsign • Razvijalcem tega hrošča še ni uspelo reproducirati:
mar 5 th 2025 6:36 • In turn-based, the meeples in the log are almost always displayed as my colour.
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- Če imate sliko zaslona te napake (dobra praksa), lahko uporabite Imgur.com za nalaganje in kopirate/prilepite povezavo do slike tukaj.