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#151795: "Game doesn’t load "
worksforme: Razvijalcem ni uspelo reproducirati tega hrošča
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Na neki točki mi ni bilo možno dostopati do vmesnika igre
Natančen opis
• Kaj je bilo prikazano na zaslonu, ko ste bili blokirani (prazen zaslon? Del vmesnika za igro? Sporočilo o napaki?)
The game doesn’t load, then firefox stops.
This doesn’t happen with other games.
So I want to quit the game but cannot because cannot open it.
Since BGA is always directing me to that game (it is my turn to play), it became uneasy to navigate through my other game in progress........
• Kateri brskalnik uporabljaš?
Mozilla v5
Zgodovina poročil
izildi • Razvijalcem tega hrošča še ni uspelo reproducirati:
jan 3 rd 2025 17:50 • I had the same problème with tutoriel, many times. Then it worked, and I starter to play. Fiesta turn was ok, but then the game doesn’t load anymore.
Tried many times.
Please get me out of this table.
Tried many times.
Please get me out of this table.
jordijansen • Razvijalcem ni uspelo reproducirati tega hrošča:
jan 8 th 2025 10:36 • Thanks for your report. It seems like this was a temporary issue. Closing this for now as there is not much I, as a game developer, can do. Please re-open a new ticket if problem persists on another table.
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Dodajte vse, kar se zdi primerno, da bi lahko reproducirali ta napako ali razumeli vaš predlog:
- Drug ID mize/ premikanje ID-ja
- Ali je F5 rešil težavo?
- Se je problem pojavil večkrat? Vsakič? Naključno?
- Če imate sliko zaslona te napake (dobra praksa), lahko uporabite Imgur.com za nalaganje in kopirate/prilepite povezavo do slike tukaj.