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#156158: "More Undo options"
rejected: Razvijalci menijo, da to ni dobra ideja ali da je razmerje med stroški in koristmi preveliko
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Predlog: Menim, da bi igranje igre bistveno lahko izboljšali na naslednji način
Natančen opis
• Natančno in jedrnato pojasnite svoj predlog, da bo čim lažje razumeti, kaj mislite.
There are so many times in this game where I want to go back. If it doesn’t affect other people’s actions and I don’t get any new information, I should be able to go back. Sometimes it’s just a misclick from playing on mobile and it ruins my score. Why so restrictive? You could make it an option that you can turn off.• Kateri brskalnik uporabljaš?
Safari v16
Zgodovina poročil
billpersaud • Tega predloga še niso analizirali razvijalci:
feb 2 nd 2025 20:22 • Appeared several times throughout the game
MathCT • Razvijalci menijo, da to ni dobra ideja ali da je razmerje med stroški in koristmi preveliko:
feb 2 nd 2025 20:46 • I already answered. If there is an Undo it puts the database back and if another player played at the same time as you, it cancels his move too. Sorry but on active multiplayer games (when players can play at the same time) it is very complicated.
sciduck • Razvijalci menijo, da to ni dobra ideja ali da je razmerje med stroški in koristmi preveliko:
feb 14 th 2025 4:30 • Would it not be possible to have players' moves for a given round stored in separate "threads," so to speak, rather than all contributing to the same "thread?" It seems like the only reason another player's move would have to be canceled is if there is only a single thread that everyone's moves are being recorded to.
Lotsa_Llamas • Razvijalci menijo, da to ni dobra ideja ali da je razmerje med stroški in koristmi preveliko:
feb 18 th 2025 23:44 • This is a real bummer since its easy to click the wrong button and the game just charges ahead. I get it, but it would be nice to find an alternative to this issue.
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