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#64331: "Warn for last turn"
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Predlog: Menim, da bi igranje igre bistveno lahko izboljšali na naslednji način
Natančen opis
• Natančno in jedrnato pojasnite svoj predlog, da bo čim lažje razumeti, kaj mislite.
The message of "This is the last turn" appeared after the last turn was played and the game was over.• Kateri brskalnik uporabljaš?
Mozilla v5
Zgodovina poročil
soporificeffect • Tega predloga še niso analizirali razvijalci:
maj 9 th 2022 20:18 • The message of "This is the last turn" appeared after the last turn was played and the game was over.
It would be great if it appeared before the last turn was actually played
It would be great if it appeared before the last turn was actually played
bennygui • Razvijalci bi želeli več informacij o tem predlogu:
maj 10 th 2022 13:26 • From what I can see in the replay, once the other player completed its park, the "This is the last turn!" banner appeared for you. Then you placed you last tile and the game was over. Everything seems normal.
Please update if it's not what you meant.
Please update if it's not what you meant.
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