#72547: "Laying multiple eggs instead of one"
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Natančen opis
• Kopirajte / prilepite sporočilo o napaki, ki ga vidite na zaslonu, če ga imate.
The rule "When another player takes the “lay eggs” action, this bird lays 1 egg on another bird with a [specific type of] nest." multiples when there are two or more birds with this power with different nest type and choice is made among them.• Prosim, pojasnite, kaj ste hoteli storiti, kaj ste naredili in kaj se je zgodilo
from Move 209• Kateri brskalnik uporabljaš?
Microsoft Edge
• Kopirajte / prilepite besedilo, prikazano v angleščini, namesto v vašem jeziku. Če imate sliko zaslona te napake (dobra praksa), lahko uporabite Imgur.com za nalaganje in kopirate/prilepite povezavo do slike tukaj.
The rule "When another player takes the “lay eggs” action, this bird lays 1 egg on another bird with a [specific type of] nest." multiples when there are two or more birds with this power with different nest type and choice is made among them.• Je ta tekst dosegljiv v prevajalnem sistemu? Če ja, ali je bil preveden več kot 24 ur nazaj?
from Move 209• Kateri brskalnik uporabljaš?
Microsoft Edge
• Natančno in jedrnato pojasnite svoj predlog, da bo čim lažje razumeti, kaj mislite.
The rule "When another player takes the “lay eggs” action, this bird lays 1 egg on another bird with a [specific type of] nest." multiples when there are two or more birds with this power with different nest type and choice is made among them.• Kateri brskalnik uporabljaš?
Microsoft Edge
• Kaj je bilo prikazano na zaslonu, ko ste bili blokirani (prazen zaslon? Del vmesnika za igro? Sporočilo o napaki?)
The rule "When another player takes the “lay eggs” action, this bird lays 1 egg on another bird with a [specific type of] nest." multiples when there are two or more birds with this power with different nest type and choice is made among them.• Kateri brskalnik uporabljaš?
Microsoft Edge
• Kateri del pravil ni bil upoštevan pri priredbi za BGA
The rule "When another player takes the “lay eggs” action, this bird lays 1 egg on another bird with a [specific type of] nest." multiples when there are two or more birds with this power with different nest type and choice is made among them.• Je kršitev pravil vidna na seznamu potez? Če je, pri kateri številki poteze?
from Move 209• Kateri brskalnik uporabljaš?
Microsoft Edge
• Katero potezo ste želeli narediti v igri?
The rule "When another player takes the “lay eggs” action, this bird lays 1 egg on another bird with a [specific type of] nest." multiples when there are two or more birds with this power with different nest type and choice is made among them.• Kaj ste poskušali narediti, da bi izvedli to potezo v igri?
from Move 209• Kaj se je zgodilo, ko ste poskusili to storiti (sporočilo o napaki, sporočilo v vrstici stanja, ...)?
• Kateri brskalnik uporabljaš?
Microsoft Edge
• Na kateri točki v igri se je težava pojavila (katera navodila so bila prikazana)
The rule "When another player takes the “lay eggs” action, this bird lays 1 egg on another bird with a [specific type of] nest." multiples when there are two or more birds with this power with different nest type and choice is made among them.• Kaj se je zgodilo, ko ste poskušali narediti to potezo v igri (sporočilo o napaki, sporočilo v vrstici stanja, ...)?
from Move 209• Kateri brskalnik uporabljaš?
Microsoft Edge
• Prosim opiši problem s prikazom. Če imate sliko zaslona te napake (dobra praksa), lahko uporabite Imgur.com za nalaganje in kopirate/prilepite povezavo do slike tukaj.
The rule "When another player takes the “lay eggs” action, this bird lays 1 egg on another bird with a [specific type of] nest." multiples when there are two or more birds with this power with different nest type and choice is made among them.• Kateri brskalnik uporabljaš?
Microsoft Edge
• Kopirajte / prilepite besedilo, prikazano v angleščini, namesto v vašem jeziku. Če imate sliko zaslona te napake (dobra praksa), lahko uporabite Imgur.com za nalaganje in kopirate/prilepite povezavo do slike tukaj.
The rule "When another player takes the “lay eggs” action, this bird lays 1 egg on another bird with a [specific type of] nest." multiples when there are two or more birds with this power with different nest type and choice is made among them.• Je ta tekst dosegljiv v prevajalnem sistemu? Če ja, ali je bil preveden več kot 24 ur nazaj?
from Move 209• Kateri brskalnik uporabljaš?
Microsoft Edge
• Natančno in jedrnato pojasnite svoj predlog, da bo čim lažje razumeti, kaj mislite.
The rule "When another player takes the “lay eggs” action, this bird lays 1 egg on another bird with a [specific type of] nest." multiples when there are two or more birds with this power with different nest type and choice is made among them.• Kateri brskalnik uporabljaš?
Microsoft Edge
Zgodovina poročil
it was only the yellow billed cuckoo
it happened twice
In this game, season 3-4, I have 2 birds having the ability “once between turns, when other choose lay egg, you can lay egg on bird with xxx nest”, and when this activated, I can use it multiple times till there is no room for more egg.
Brown - Herded Cowbird and Barrow's GoledenEye. When another player took action in grassland game asked me to choose which one of those birds to use. I chose Goldeneye and game let me put 10 eggs on birds with correct nest.
I had Brown - Herded Cowbird & Bronze Cowberd. When an opponent, laid eggs, I first chose to which to use, and was able to place eggs until my bucket & star nests were all full. About 12 eggs. It is logged as moves 217 thru 227.
One way to circumnavigate the issue is to lay the egg, then the player can choose "skip action", choose the next bird, and then lay the egg with that one. It does not allow infinite eggs with the second choice. One can read the log to see me doing this on moves 253 thru 256.
I am playing on Google Chrome.
Experienced reported issue with all birds in the game with the mechanic. (Barrow's Goldeneye, Brown-Headed Cowbird, Yellow-Billed Cuckoo)
Turn 132 - 140
it seems to multiply the eggs of the active player
I had the same issue as Caligator_n_ziadile w/ yellow-billed cuckoo and brown-headed cowbird. My yellow-billed cuckoo thus laid 5 eggs on move 104-108.
I compensated by skipping the action completely a few times on later rounds.
The first pink action bird always allowed infinite eggs. F5 did not solve the problem.
A new version was deployed last night that was meant to fix some bugs with once-between-turns pink powers, and it ended up introducing new and more severe bugs with these powers.
When this change was deployed, I had only tested it on the narrow set of cases that were affected, namely rerolling dice in the bird feeder with scavenger birds. Last night's change along with a missing safeguard on the server side to prevent pink powers from being activated multiple times, made it possible to repeatedly activate pink powers. I should have tested all use cases for pink powers before deploying this change, and I apologize for the impact this has caused on competitive games.
Unfortunately, I cannot change the state of closed or ongoing tables that were affected by this bug.
A new build was deployed, in which use cases with pink powers, including those that involve rerolling dice, should now work properly. I have also added the missing server-side safeguard. I will monitor bug reports for ongoing problems as closely as possible today and roll back to the previous version if any further issues arise.
Still being able to lay multiple times with brownheaded cowbird.
Dodaj nekaj k temu poročilu
- Drug ID mize/ premikanje ID-ja
- Ali je F5 rešil težavo?
- Se je problem pojavil večkrat? Vsakič? Naključno?
- Če imate sliko zaslona te napake (dobra praksa), lahko uporabite Imgur.com za nalaganje in kopirate/prilepite povezavo do slike tukaj.