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#82752: "Add confirmation when planting"
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It is every easy to misclick when it suddenly becomes your turn and plant a card where it was not desired. A confirmation notification when you do the plant action before you draw would be great.• Kateri brskalnik uporabljaš?
Mozilla v5
Zgodovina poročil
mar 4 th 2023 22:26 •
Talamare • Tega predloga še niso analizirali razvijalci:
mar 4 th 2023 22:31 • or if instead, if we don't immediately draw the card after we plant; allowing us to undo.
bennygui • Razvijalci bi želeli več informacij o tem predlogu:
mar 4 th 2023 22:52 • Well, you need 3 clicks to plant: select a card, select a position and then click on the button. Kind of hard to misclick.
I'll keep this open for now if people want to comment...
I'll keep this open for now if people want to comment...
Talamare • Razvijalci bi želeli več informacij o tem predlogu:
mar 9 th 2023 22:49 • There is nothing you can do after planting right? You just need to end turn...
If the game doesn't immediately draw the next card, you would freely be allowed to undo before ending your turn.
That way the number of clicks doesn't rise, but players are still able to correct mistakes.
If the game doesn't immediately draw the next card, you would freely be allowed to undo before ending your turn.
That way the number of clicks doesn't rise, but players are still able to correct mistakes.
bennygui • Razvijalci bi želeli več informacij o tem predlogu:
mar 9 th 2023 22:53 • After planting, you can play events and convert sprouts to soil.
After drawing cards, the active player must select a single card to keep.
Anyway, undo is there mainly to help reduce misclick, not to allow you to try multiple ways. Since you must do many clicks to plant, it's hard to misclick...
After drawing cards, the active player must select a single card to keep.
Anyway, undo is there mainly to help reduce misclick, not to allow you to try multiple ways. Since you must do many clicks to plant, it's hard to misclick...
Pure_Riddle • Razvijalci bi želeli več informacij o tem predlogu:
mar 9 th 2023 23:25 • I’ve also experienced this issue. The main problem is not when you are the active player but rather reaping the additional benefits because once you click the card into the space it plants and then draws your card. Having that acknowledgement that I am good for the card draw would be ideal. Even if this is just a toggle option for some players.
bennygui • Razvijalci bi želeli več informacij o tem predlogu:
mar 10 th 2023 0:21 • I'm genuinely trying to understand because planting is a 3 step process:
1) Click on a card from your hand
2) Click on a place in your tableau where to plant
3) Click on the Plant button at the top
It does not plant on step #2. So what is the source of error? I can understand that you can click on the Plant button (step #3) and realise only after that there was a better choice, it does happen to me sometimes but that's on me to take the time to think. I'm really looking for ways that a confirmation would help to prevent errors... Is there such a thing?
1) Click on a card from your hand
2) Click on a place in your tableau where to plant
3) Click on the Plant button at the top
It does not plant on step #2. So what is the source of error? I can understand that you can click on the Plant button (step #3) and realise only after that there was a better choice, it does happen to me sometimes but that's on me to take the time to think. I'm really looking for ways that a confirmation would help to prevent errors... Is there such a thing?
Clutron • Razvijalci bi želeli več informacij o tem predlogu:
mar 13 th 2023 21:49 • You do realize you just stated why people want a confirmation or undo button right? In the physical game you would be able to change the card you just played because you realize it's a bad move and play a better card. After you draw cards or move on to the next phase, yeah, you are out of luck because it's too late or new information was revealed. But I literally just laid the card down, why is it so bad if I want to change it? Plus adding it as a toggle options hurts no one, and helps those who want it.
tim lonely meeple • Razvijalci bi želeli več informacij o tem predlogu:
mar 15 th 2023 21:15 • In one of my games I miss clicked positioning card In wrong place, so a confirmation or undo option would of helped.
Castz • Razvijalci bi želeli več informacij o tem predlogu:
jun 15 th 2023 5:32 • I agree including this toggle option, especially when multiple cards and fauna bonuses are involved.
After realizing that a similar but wrong card was placed, as the board objectives was not triggered, it is already too late and the game is ruined.
After realizing that a similar but wrong card was placed, as the board objectives was not triggered, it is already too late and the game is ruined.
Tom Jeffrey • Razvijalci bi želeli več informacij o tem predlogu:
jan 27 th 2024 14:42 • SachaBear has explained it fully, which is inefficient, also takes a lot of time and causes time penalties. It's unsatisfying and annoying.
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