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#91946: "Welcome To Ice Cream. Can't complete my turn"
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"Unexpected error: Error: generated notifications are larger than 128k (132019) (reference: GS6 25/06 09:17:44)" .
I have tried on my computer and phone over a few days now and received the same error. It seems as if my turn is being completed and then I get this error.• Kateri brskalnik uporabljaš?
Google Chrome v114
Zgodovina poročil
Narniaru • Razvijalcem tega hrošča še ni uspelo reproducirati:
jun 26 th 2023 15:00 • F5 didn't solve the prblem.
It has happened repeatedly on both laptop and phone.
Move #1191
It has happened repeatedly on both laptop and phone.
Move #1191
wjbarnett • Razvijalcem tega hrošča še ni uspelo reproducirati:
jun 29 th 2023 17:53 • At least some of the other players are having to redo their turns, without any error indication.
BradyW • Razvijalcem tega hrošča še ni uspelo reproducirati:
jun 29 th 2023 18:22 • I am stuck in this game -- receiving the same error message. F5 didn't work. Have tried on phone, two different computers and one in another state. All getting same message. I am the last to play in a 12 player game.
lawfulgoodmom • Razvijalcem tega hrošča še ni uspelo reproducirati:
feb 5 th 2024 16:11 • F5 did not solve the problem. I have tried from two different devices and recieve the same message. I'm still stuck unable to submit my turn. imgur.com/Vxum40v
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- Drug ID mize/ premikanje ID-ja
- Ali je F5 rešil težavo?
- Se je problem pojavil večkrat? Vsakič? Naključno?
- Če imate sliko zaslona te napake (dobra praksa), lahko uporabite Imgur.com za nalaganje in kopirate/prilepite povezavo do slike tukaj.