Nova Luna
Mlada luna je simbol za nov začetek in predstavlja najbolj primeren čas za začetek nečesa novega in za načrtovanje prihodnosti. In to nam prinaša Nova Luna (kar v latinščini pomeni nov mesec). V vsakem krogu te igre morate znova načrtovati svojo prihodnost, tako da razvijete ustrezno strategijo, kako najbolj učinkovito uporabiti to, kar vam lunino kolo ponuja.
V vsakem krogu se moraš odločiti, katero ploščico boš vzel/a iz luninega kolesa in jo položil/a predse. Vsaka nova ploščica prinaša novo nalogo, ki jo je potrebno izpolniti. Za izpolnitev naloge je potrebno priložiti ploščico ustrezne barve. Seveda pa s tem pridobiš nove naloge. Ko je določena naloga opravljena, lahko nanjo položiš enega izmed svojih žetonov. Zato se odločaj premišljeno, tako da boš prvi/a, ki se bo znebil/a vseh svojih žetonov.
Število igralcev: 2 - 4
Igralni čas: 14 mn
Kompleksnost: 2 / 5
Igraj Nova Luna in 959 ostalih iger online.
Brez dodatnih prenosov, neposredno iz vašega brskalnika.
S prijatelji in tisoči igralcev iz celega sveta.
Igraj Nova Luna in 959 ostalih iger online.
Brez dodatnih prenosov, neposredno iz vašega brskalnika.
S prijatelji in tisoči igralcev iz celega sveta.
Povzetek pravil
An abstract tile laying game from Uwe Rosenberg for 1 - 4 players. Theme is based on moon cycles.
Goal of the Game
The goal is to get and place tiles in your personal play area in order to satisfy the task requirements. Place 1 disc on a satisfied task. The player who places all (20) of their discs first wins - or if all of the tiles runs out, the player who has placed the most discs wins.
There are 68 tiles, 17 of each color.
Tiles and Tasks
There are 3 components to each tile. 1) The base color: Red, Blue, Turquoise and/or Yellow. 2) Time - The number in the upper left which is the 'time' and represents the number of spaces to move forward on the track when you take that tile. 3) Tasks - The other three corners of the tile show tasks, consisting of 1-4 dots in Red, Blue, Turquoise and/or Yellow.
In order to complete the task the tile must be adjacent to other tiles in the color of the dots (1 dot per color). If an adjacent tile has other adjacent tiles of the same color, they also count even if they are not directly adjacent to the task. This can be continued as desired. The color of the tile on which the task is written never counts.
A tile can be used to fulfil multiple tasks (even of the same tile), but only once per tile.
Once a task is completed, place one disc from the supply on it.
Player Turn
When it's your turn you select one of the 3 tiles after the moon-meeple. Empty spaces are ignored.
You place this tile in your play area next to another tile and move your player marker on the wheel by the number indicated on the top left corner of the chosen tile.
If that space is occupied, place your marker on top of the stack.
The next player will be the one whose marker is last (or on top if tied).
Refill the wheel
If there are less than 3 tiles on the wheel at the beginning of your turn you can refill the wheel.
Game End
If one player has placed all their discs, they win. If all the tiles are gone, the player with the most placed discs wins. In case of a tie, the one whose turn it would be next wins.