Paint the Roses is a 2-5 player cooperative logic deduction game that automatically adapts to your skill during play.
Set in the puzzling world of Alice in Wonderland, you and your friends are the newly appointed Royal Gardeners. You are working together to finish the palace grounds according to the whims of the Queen of Hearts. Use strategy, logic, and teamwork to finish the garden whilst staying one step ahead of the Queen, otherwise, the last thing you hear will be, "Off With Their Heads!".
The Queen's whims are shared via cards, secret instructions each player is given into how the garden should be arranged. Her whims are always changing, so as soon as you solve one, a new one is in your hand.
Every turn, together as a team you must guess at least one of these secret whim cards. You can not say what your card shows, but by carefully placing a new shrub tile into the garden (taken from those available in the Greenhouse) you are able to reveal clues, tokens that will show any matches between the arrangement in the garden and the secret whims each player holds in their hands.
Although you can not discuss your own secret whim card, you can openly discuss other players'. Share your theories at the table and then make a guess. Correctly guessing a whim will move you forward on the score track, but the Queen is always following and her speed automatically adjusts based on your current score. Guess incorrectly and the Queen moves twice as fast, her axe ever closer to your neck.
You can play the tutorial by clicking here, but you can already play the game from any device by clicking right here:
The wonderful work of Ben Goldman for the game design, and Jacqui Davis for the artwork is outstanding and we would love to thank them, as well as the publisher North Star Games for helping to bring this game to BGA.
Last but not least, we would love to send our biggest roses to ufm, the one and only, who adapted the game for the platform, for you all to enjoy.
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you will be able to purchase this extra gift you were missing to play together, from the same place, on Premium games...
...or for one of the many thousands reasons he or she would love to be gifted a Premium account.
We've got you covered 😉
That's it for today!
It's Wednesday Release Time BEFORE Wednesday.
A bit like an an un-birthday.
And see you next week.
Until then, take care and play sane!
POBARVAJ VRTNICE: Z glavo stran!
Paint the Roses je kooperativna logična dedukcijska igra za 2–5 igralcev, ki se med igro samodejno prilagaja vašim spretnostim.
Vi in vaši prijatelji ste na novo imenovani kraljevi vrtnarji, postavljeni v zagonetnem svetu Alice v čudežni deželi.
Skupaj si prizadevate dokončati ozemlje palače v skladu s kapricami srčne kraljice.
Uporabite strategijo, logiko in timsko delo, da končate vrt in pri tem ostanete korak pred kraljico, sicer bo zadnja stvar, ki jo boste slišali, "Stran z glavami!".
Kraljičine muhe se delijo prek kart, skrivna navodila, ki jih vsak igralec dobi, kako mora biti urejen vrt.
Njene muhe se vedno spreminjajo, tako da takoj, ko rešite eno, je nova v vaših rokah.
Na vsakem koraku morate skupaj kot ekipa uganiti vsaj eno od teh skrivnih kart za muhe.
Ne morete povedati, kaj prikazuje vaša karta, a če na vrt previdno postavite novo ploščico grmovja (vzeto iz tistih, ki so na voljo v rastlinjaku), lahko razkrijete namige, žetone, ki bodo pokazali morebitna ujemanja med ureditvijo na vrtu in skrivne muhe, ki jih vsak igralec drži v rokah.
Čeprav ne morete razpravljati o svoji skrivni karti muhe, lahko odkrito razpravljate o kartah drugih igralcev.
Za mizo delite svoje teorije in nato ugibajte.
Pravilno ugibanje muhe vas bo premaknilo naprej na lestvici rezultatov, vendar kraljica vedno sledi in njena hitrost se samodejno prilagodi glede na vaš trenutni rezultat.
Uganite napačno in kraljica se premika dvakrat hitreje, njena sekira pa je vedno bližje vašemu vratu.
Vadnico lahko igrate tako, da kliknetetukaj, vendar lahko že igrate igro iz katere koli naprave, če kliknete tukaj:
Čudovito delo Bena Goldmana za oblikovanje igre in Jacqui Davis za umetniško delo je izjemno in radi bi se jima zahvalili, kot tudi založniku North Star Games za pomoč pri prenosu te igre na BGA.
Nenazadnje bi radi poslali naše največje vrtnice ufm, enemu in edinemu, ki je igro prilagodil platformi, da bi vsi uživali.
Danes je čas za delitev ljubezni.
Zakaj torej ne ljubezen do družabnih iger?
Zdaj lahko to storite!
S klikom na to povezavo:
to dodatno darilo, ki ste ga pogrešali, da bi igrali skupaj, boste lahko kupili na istem mestu v igrah Premium ...
... ali zaradi enega od tisočih razlogov, zaradi katerih bi rad prejel Premium račun.
Poskrbeli smo za vas
To je to za danes!
Sreda je čas za objavo PRED sredo.
Malo kot ne-rojstni dan.
In se vidimo naslednji teden.
Do takrat pa pazite in igrajte zdravo!