Fractal is a variant of Hex. As in Hex, you must connect opposite sides of the board of your color with a
path of tiles of your color. The difference is the unusual tessellation of the Fractal board. The smaller
cells near the center de-emphasise the importance of claiming cells near the center.
The tiles were constructed mostly from photos of the Mongolian countryside, but also include water, mud, rocks,
seat of denim pants, leather, yak fur, human hair, and sunglasses.
Število igralcev: 2
Igralni čas: 3 mn
Kompleksnost: 0 / 5
Igraj fractal in 1002 ostalih iger online.
Brez dodatnih prenosov, neposredno iz vašega brskalnika.
S prijatelji in tisoči igralcev iz celega sveta.
Igraj fractal in 1002 ostalih iger online.
Brez dodatnih prenosov, neposredno iz vašega brskalnika.
S prijatelji in tisoči igralcev iz celega sveta.
Povzetek pravil
Fractal is a variant of Hex. As in Hex, you must connect opposite sides of the board of your color with a path of tiles of your color. The difference is the unusual tessellation of the Fractal board. The smaller cells near the center de-emphasise the importance of claiming cells near the center.