The players together guide the courageous but gravely outnumbered Spartan army against a superior force - the invading Persians. The Spartans decide to meet the enemy at the Thermopyles pass and try to withstand their attack there. At their disposal are only 300 brave Spartan soldiers and a number of other Greeks supporting them. The players win or lose together, depending on the outcome of the conflict!
Število igralcev: 1 - 4
Igralni čas: 5 mn
Kompleksnost: 0 / 5
Igraj Thermopyles in 1003 ostalih iger online.
Brez dodatnih prenosov, neposredno iz vašega brskalnika.
S prijatelji in tisoči igralcev iz celega sveta.
Igraj Thermopyles in 1003 ostalih iger online.
Brez dodatnih prenosov, neposredno iz vašega brskalnika.
S prijatelji in tisoči igralcev iz celega sveta.
Povzetek pravil
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