Nazaj na domačo stran
Nalaganje grafike igre (10%)
Miza #647828592
Poteza #68
Potek igre 8%
Prej na thousand #647828592 ... ([Preskoči ponovitev zadnjih potez])


Prikaži dnevnik iger
Prikaži namige
Display confirmation
Card style
Play sound effects

Nastavitve igre

Način igre
Hitrost igre
Rule set
Base score unit
First trick meld allowed
Forfeit limit
0-point round penalty
Lower minimum bid
Four Aces meld
Target score
Skip uneventful final tricks
Ta igra je bila posodobljena: Ponovitev je POSKUSNA.
Meld score: / / / - 40 / 60 / 80 / 100
10-point base scoring, First trick meld allowed



🃏 dave147
Points: 0
Melds: None
🃏 ScubaLee
Points: 0
Melds: None
🃏 Ebis
Points: 14
Melds: None
Trump suit
Bid: 120
0 -412757812 eur Visitor-412


Prikaži dnevnik iger
Prikaži namige
Display confirmation
Card style
Play sound effects

Nastavitve igre

Način igre
Hitrost igre
Rule set
Base score unit
First trick meld allowed
Forfeit limit
0-point round penalty
Lower minimum bid
Four Aces meld
Target score
Skip uneventful final tricks

Opomba: 3D način je eksperimentalen

V tej igri si gledalec
-70 / 800 / 1000
2 dni
Pokaži krmilo
0 / 2
80 / 800 / 1000
2 dni
Pokaži krmilo
1 / 2
-60 / 800 / 1000
2 dni
Pokaži krmilo
0 / 2
Gledalci: Visitor-412757812
Ebis wins the trick
ScubaLee plays 9
10:40 PM
dave147 plays Q
10:38 PM
Ebis plays A
Ebis passes each player a card
06:27 PM
Ebis draws 10, 9, J
10:56 AM
Ebis bids 120 points
3/26/2025 09:05 AM
ScubaLee bids 110 points
11:01 PM
dave147 bids 100 points
10:57 PM
Ebis deals new hands
Ebis scores -100 points
ScubaLee scores 40 points
dave147 scores 30 points
Ebis wins the trick
dave147 plays K
Ebis plays 10
ScubaLee plays J
ScubaLee wins the trick
dave147 plays J
10:56 PM
Ebis plays K
07:23 PM
ScubaLee plays A
06:04 PM
ScubaLee wins the trick
Ebis plays Q
3/25/2025 02:07 PM
ScubaLee plays A
dave147 plays 10
10:28 PM
dave147 wins the trick
ScubaLee plays Q
10:25 PM
dave147 plays 10
10:06 PM
Ebis plays Q
07:25 PM
Ebis wins the trick
ScubaLee plays J
10:53 AM
dave147 plays 9
10:44 AM
Ebis plays K
07:21 AM
Ebis wins the trick
Ebis plays A
3/24/2025 07:20 AM
ScubaLee plays 9
11:10 PM
dave147 plays K
10:42 PM
dave147 wins the trick
ScubaLee plays 9
10:31 PM
dave147 plays 10
09:20 PM
Ebis plays J
08:56 PM
Ebis wins the trick
ScubaLee plays 9
08:53 PM
dave147 plays Q
08:50 PM
Ebis plays A
Ebis passes each player a card
08:46 PM
Ebis draws K, J, Q
08:16 PM
Ebis bids 100 points
08:06 PM
ScubaLee deals new hands
ScubaLee forfeits this round
ScubaLee passes each player a card
07:31 PM
ScubaLee draws J, 10, Q
07:21 PM
ScubaLee bids 100 points
06:31 PM
dave147 deals new hands
Ebis scores 40 points
ScubaLee scores 40 points
dave147 scores -100 points
ScubaLee wins the trick
dave147 plays Q
Ebis plays 10
ScubaLee plays K
ScubaLee wins the trick
ScubaLee plays A
06:30 PM
dave147 plays K
12:44 PM
Ebis plays Q
3/23/2025 07:45 AM
Ebis wins the trick
ScubaLee plays J
11:05 PM
dave147 plays J
10:55 PM
Ebis plays 10
Ebis wins the trick
Ebis plays A
10:39 PM
ScubaLee plays 9
10:32 PM
dave147 plays 10
10:31 PM
dave147 wins the trick
Ebis plays Q
10:20 PM
ScubaLee plays K
10:18 PM
dave147 plays A
10:05 PM
dave147 wins the trick
Ebis plays J
09:58 PM
ScubaLee plays 9
09:54 PM
dave147 plays K
09:51 PM
dave147 wins the trick
Ebis plays J
09:17 PM
ScubaLee plays Q
09:15 PM
dave147 plays 10
09:06 PM
dave147 wins the trick
Ebis plays 9
09:04 PM
ScubaLee plays 9
dave147 plays A
09:03 PM
dave147 passes each player a card
09:02 PM
dave147 draws A, 9, A
09:01 PM
dave147 bids 100 points
08:08 PM
Ebis deals new hands
Barva ScubaLee, Ebis je bila izbrana glede na njihove preference. Spremeni moje preference.
3/22/2025 08:07 PM
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