Arger_Esquida may undo up to this point
American Bittern: Arger_Esquida draws 1 bird cards from the deck
3/29/2025 02:30 AM
Azrael1987 may undo up to this point
American Bittern: Azrael1987 draws 1 bird cards from the deck
08:26 PM
Alekrom may undo up to this point
American Bittern: Alekrom draws 1 bird cards from the deck
Alekrom must discard 1 birds at the end of their turn
Alekrom may undo up to this point
Pied-Billed Grebe: Alekrom draws 2 bird cards from the deck
04:34 PM
Alekrom moves White-Crowned Sparrow from Wetland to Grassland
Alekrom may undo up to this point
Alekrom draws 2 bird cards from the deck
Alekrom draws American Woodcock from the tray
Alekrom places an action cube in the Wetland
04:33 PM
Alekrom may undo up to this point
Alekrom je preklical svojo potezo
04:32 PM
Alekrom may undo up to this point
Arger_Esquida moves action cube to the beginning of the Gozd and ends their turn
Bushtit lays an egg in Arger_Esquida's wildlife preserve
Bushtit: Arger_Esquida tucks a bird from their hand
Bushtit lays an egg in Arger_Esquida's wildlife preserve
Bushtit: Arger_Esquida tucks a bird from their hand
Gray Catbird: Arger_Esquida repeats Bushtit's power
03:01 PM
Arger_Esquida may undo up to this point
Arger_Esquida may undo up to this point
Cooper's Hawk hunts Blue Jay
Arger_Esquida takes food from the birdfeeder and discards 1 bird
Arger_Esquida may undo up to this point
Arger_Esquida rolls all dice in the birdfeeder
Arger_Esquida takes food from the birdfeeder
Arger_Esquida places an action cube in the Gozd
03:00 PM
Arger_Esquida may undo up to this point
Azrael1987 plays
Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher in Grassland, paying
Azrael1987 places an action cube under Play Bird
02:56 PM
Azrael1987 may undo up to this point
Luenadra moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
Luenadra may undo up to this point
Anna's Hummingbird:
Arger_Esquida takes food from the birdfeeder
02:33 PM
Anna's Hummingbird:
Azrael1987 takes food from the birdfeeder
12:39 PM
Anna's Hummingbird:
Luenadra takes food from the birdfeeder
3/28/2025 06:07 AM
Alekrom may undo up to this point
Alekrom rolls all dice in the birdfeeder
Anna's Hummingbird:
Alekrom takes food from the birdfeeder
06:18 PM
Luenadra places an action cube in the Grassland
05:35 PM
Luenadra may undo up to this point
05:09 PM
Alekrom plays
Dickcissel in Grassland, paying
Alekrom places an action cube under Play Bird
05:08 PM
Alekrom may undo up to this point
Arger_Esquida moves action cube to the beginning of the Wetland and ends their turn
Arger_Esquida must discard 1 birds at the end of their turn
Arger_Esquida may undo up to this point
Common Yellowthroat: Arger_Esquida draws 2 bird cards from the deck
Arger_Esquida may undo up to this point
American Coot: Arger_Esquida draws 1 bird cards from the deck
American Coot: Arger_Esquida tucks a bird from their hand
Arger_Esquida may undo up to this point
Arger_Esquida draws 1 bird cards from the deck
Arger_Esquida removes egg from Cooper's Hawk to draw another bird
Arger_Esquida may undo up to this point
Arger_Esquida draws 2 bird cards from the deck
Arger_Esquida places an action cube in the Wetland
04:33 PM
Arger_Esquida may undo up to this point
Azrael1987 moves action cube to the beginning of the Gozd and ends their turn
Azrael1987 may undo up to this point
Azrael1987 may undo up to this point
Red-Tailed Hawk hunts Baltimore Oriole
Azrael1987 takes food from the birdfeeder
Azrael1987 places an action cube in the Gozd
11:24 AM
Azrael1987 may undo up to this point
Belted Kingfisher:
Arger_Esquida gains food from supply
Luenadra plays
Anhinga in Wetland, paying
Luenadra places an action cube under Play Bird
10:01 AM
Luenadra may undo up to this point
Alekrom plays
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird in Gozd, paying
Alekrom places an action cube under Play Bird
09:29 AM
Alekrom may undo up to this point
Arger_Esquida plays
Blue-Winged Warbler in Grassland, paying
Arger_Esquida places an action cube under Play Bird
Arger_Esquida may undo up to this point
Round 4: Arger_Esquida is now first player
Birds in the bird tray are discarded
Azrael1987, Arger_Esquida tie for rank 2 with 3; each scores ( 3+ 2)/2 = 2 points
Alekrom is in rank 1 with 4, scoring 6 points
Action cubes are returned to each player's supply
Luenadra moves action cube to the beginning of the Gozd and ends their turn
Luenadra may undo up to this point
Pileated Woodpecker lays an egg in Arger_Esquida's wildlife preserve
07:31 AM
Pileated Woodpecker lays an egg in Azrael1987's wildlife preserve
06:36 AM
Pileated Woodpecker lays an egg in Luenadra's wildlife preserve
Luenadra takes food from the birdfeeder and discards 1 bird
Luenadra may undo up to this point
Luenadra rolls all dice in the birdfeeder
Luenadra places an action cube in the Gozd
3/27/2025 05:31 AM
Luenadra may undo up to this point
09:28 PM
Alekrom moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
Fish Crow:
Alekrom gains food from supply
Fish Crow: Alekrom removes egg from House Finch
Alekrom moves White-Crowned Sparrow from Grassland to Wetland
09:27 PM
Alekrom places an action cube in the Grassland
09:25 PM
Alekrom may undo up to this point
09:21 PM
Arger_Esquida plays
American Coot in Wetland, paying
Arger_Esquida places an action cube under Play Bird
09:11 PM
Arger_Esquida may undo up to this point
Azrael1987 moves action cube to the beginning of the Gozd and ends their turn
Azrael1987 may undo up to this point
Red-Tailed Hawk attempts to hunt Barred Owl, but its wingspan is greater than 75 cm
Azrael1987 takes food from the birdfeeder
Azrael1987 places an action cube in the Gozd
04:13 PM
Azrael1987 may undo up to this point
Luenadra moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
Luenadra may undo up to this point
Anna's Hummingbird:
Azrael1987 takes food from the birdfeeder
04:10 PM
Anna's Hummingbird:
Luenadra takes food from the birdfeeder
Luenadra may undo up to this point
Luenadra rolls all dice in the birdfeeder
02:51 PM
Anna's Hummingbird:
Alekrom takes food from the birdfeeder
09:11 AM
Anna's Hummingbird:
Arger_Esquida takes food from the birdfeeder
05:39 AM
Luenadra places an action cube in the Grassland
3/26/2025 05:29 AM
Luenadra may undo up to this point
Alekrom moves action cube to the beginning of the Wetland and ends their turn
Arger_Esquida may undo up to this point
Purple Gallinule: Arger_Esquida draws 1 bird cards from the deck
Azrael1987 may undo up to this point
Purple Gallinule: Azrael1987 draws 1 bird cards from the deck
Luenadra may undo up to this point
Purple Gallinule: Luenadra draws 1 bird cards from the deck
Alekrom may undo up to this point
Purple Gallinule: Alekrom draws 1 bird cards from the deck
Alekrom chooses not to use American Bittern's power
Alekrom must discard 1 birds at the end of their turn
Alekrom may undo up to this point
Pied-Billed Grebe: Alekrom draws 2 bird cards from the deck
Alekrom moves White-Crowned Sparrow from Wetland to Grassland
10:14 PM
Alekrom may undo up to this point
Alekrom draws 3 bird cards from the deck
Alekrom places an action cube in the Wetland
10:13 PM
Alekrom may undo up to this point
Arger_Esquida moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
Cassin's Sparrow lays an egg in Arger_Esquida's wildlife preserve
Grasshopper Sparrow lays an egg in Arger_Esquida's wildlife preserve
Arger_Esquida lays 3 eggs
Arger_Esquida places an action cube in the Grassland
08:04 PM
Arger_Esquida may undo up to this point
Azrael1987 moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
Red-Headed Woodpecker: no Seme available in the birdfeeder
Azrael1987 chooses not to use Song Sparrow's power
Azrael1987 places an action cube in the Grassland
11:55 AM
Azrael1987 may undo up to this point
Belted Kingfisher:
Arger_Esquida gains food from supply
Luenadra plays
Ring-Billed Gull in Wetland, paying
Luenadra places an action cube under Play Bird
11:32 AM
Luenadra may undo up to this point
3/25/2025 10:22 AM
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