Eleria107 may undo up to this point
Vicktory1337 moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
Mourning Dove lays an egg in Vicktory1337's wildlife preserve
American Robin: Vicktory1337 has no birds in hand to discard
Vicktory1337 chooses not to use Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher's power
08:10 PM
Vicktory1337 places an action cube in the Grassland
08:09 PM
Vicktory1337 may undo up to this point
Dottoly moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
Dottoly may undo up to this point
Violet-Green Swallow: Dottoly draws 1 bird cards from the deck
Violet-Green Swallow: Dottoly tucks a bird from their hand
Dottoly may undo up to this point
House Finch: Dottoly draws 1 bird cards from the deck
House Finch: Dottoly tucks a bird from their hand
Dottoly may undo up to this point
Barn Swallow: Dottoly draws 1 bird cards from the deck
Barn Swallow: Dottoly tucks a bird from their hand
06:47 PM
Dottoly may undo up to this point
Dottoly je preklical svojo potezo
06:46 PM
Dottoly may undo up to this point
American Avocet lays an egg in PastaPaulus's wildlife preserve
06:45 PM
Barrow's Goldeneye lays an egg in Vicktory1337's wildlife preserve
05:27 PM
Dottoly places an action cube in the Grassland
05:04 PM
Dottoly may undo up to this point
04:49 PM
Eastern Kingbird:
Dottoly gains food from supply
PastaPaulus plays
Bushtit in Gozd, paying
PastaPaulus places an action cube under Play Bird
04:48 PM
PastaPaulus may undo up to this point
Eleria107 plays
Baird's Sparrow in Grassland, paying
Eleria107 places an action cube under Play Bird
3/27/2025 04:24 PM
Eleria107 may undo up to this point
Vicktory1337 may undo up to this point
Horned Lark: Dottoly tucks a bird from their hand
03:13 PM
Vicktory1337 plays
Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher in Grassland, paying
Vicktory1337 places an action cube under Play Bird
11:34 AM
Vicktory1337 may undo up to this point
Dottoly plays
Horned Lark in Grassland, paying
Dottoly places an action cube under Play Bird
09:26 AM
Dottoly may undo up to this point
PastaPaulus moves action cube to the beginning of the Wetland and ends their turn
PastaPaulus may undo up to this point
PastaPaulus draws 1 bird cards from the deck
PastaPaulus draws Bushtit from the tray
PastaPaulus places an action cube in the Wetland
07:39 AM
PastaPaulus may undo up to this point
Round 4: PastaPaulus is now first player
Birds in the bird tray are discarded
Dottoly, PastaPaulus tie for rank 3 with 2; each scores ( 2)/2 = 1 points
Eleria107 is in rank 2 with 4, scoring 3 points
Vicktory1337 is in rank 1 with 7, scoring 6 points
Action cubes are returned to each player's supply
Vicktory1337 moves action cube to the beginning of the Gozd and ends their turn
Vicktory1337 caches on
Mountain Chickadee Vicktory1337 caches on
White-Breasted Nuthatch Vicktory1337 takes food from the birdfeeder
Vicktory1337 may undo up to this point
Vicktory1337 rolls all dice in the birdfeeder
Vicktory1337 takes food from the birdfeeder
Vicktory1337 places an action cube in the Gozd
3/26/2025 07:29 AM
Vicktory1337 may undo up to this point
Dottoly moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
Dottoly may undo up to this point
Violet-Green Swallow: Dottoly draws 1 bird cards from the deck
Violet-Green Swallow: Dottoly tucks a bird from their hand
House Finch:
Dottoly draws Bald Eagle from the tray
House Finch: Dottoly tucks a bird from their hand
Dottoly may undo up to this point
Barn Swallow: Dottoly draws 1 bird cards from the deck
Barn Swallow: Dottoly tucks a bird from their hand
Dottoly places an action cube in the Grassland
09:59 PM
Dottoly may undo up to this point
PastaPaulus moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
PastaPaulus places an action cube in the Grassland
10:46 AM
PastaPaulus may undo up to this point
Eleria107 moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
Cassin's Sparrow lays an egg in Eleria107's wildlife preserve
Killdeer: Eleria107 removes egg from Mississippi Kite
Eleria107 may undo up to this point
Killdeer: Eleria107 draws 2 bird cards from the deck
10:39 AM
Mississippi Kite: None of the rolled dice match
Eleria107 may undo up to this point
Eleria107 rolls dice not in feeder
10:38 AM
Eleria107 may undo up to this point
Barrow's Goldeneye lays an egg in Vicktory1337's wildlife preserve
07:26 AM
Eleria107 lays 4 eggs, discarding
Eleria107 places an action cube in the Grassland
3/25/2025 06:32 AM
Eleria107 may undo up to this point
Vicktory1337 moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
Mourning Dove lays an egg in Vicktory1337's wildlife preserve
Vicktory1337 chooses not to use American Robin's power
05:57 PM
Vicktory1337 may undo up to this point
American Avocet lays an egg in PastaPaulus's wildlife preserve
05:52 PM
Vicktory1337 places an action cube in the Grassland
05:30 PM
Vicktory1337 may undo up to this point
Dottoly moves action cube to the beginning of the Wetland and ends their turn
Dottoly may undo up to this point
Dottoly may undo up to this point
Northern Harrier hunts Western Tanager
Dottoly may undo up to this point
American Coot: Dottoly draws 1 bird cards from the deck
American Coot: Dottoly tucks a bird from their hand
PastaPaulus may undo up to this point
Wilson's Snipe: PastaPaulus draws 1 bird cards from the deck
Eleria107 may undo up to this point
Wilson's Snipe: Eleria107 draws 1 bird cards from the deck
Vicktory1337 may undo up to this point
Wilson's Snipe: Vicktory1337 draws 1 bird cards from the deck
Dottoly may undo up to this point
Wilson's Snipe: Dottoly draws 1 bird cards from the deck
Dottoly may undo up to this point
Dottoly draws 1 bird cards from the deck
Dottoly removes egg from Violet-Green Swallow to draw another bird
Dottoly may undo up to this point
Dottoly draws 1 bird cards from the deck
Dottoly draws Brewer's Blackbird from the tray
Dottoly places an action cube in the Wetland
05:06 PM
Dottoly may undo up to this point
American Goldfinch:
PastaPaulus gains food from supply
PastaPaulus plays
American Goldfinch in Grassland, paying
PastaPaulus places an action cube under Play Bird
11:03 AM
PastaPaulus may undo up to this point
Eastern Kingbird:
Dottoly gains food from supply
Eleria107 plays
Chipping Sparrow in Gozd, paying
Eleria107 places an action cube under Play Bird
10:50 AM
Eleria107 may undo up to this point
Vicktory1337 moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
Mourning Dove lays an egg in Vicktory1337's wildlife preserve
American Robin: Vicktory1337 has no birds in hand to discard
Vicktory1337 may undo up to this point
American Avocet lays an egg in PastaPaulus's wildlife preserve
08:08 AM
Vicktory1337 places an action cube in the Grassland
06:58 AM
Vicktory1337 may undo up to this point
Dottoly plays
Barn Swallow in Grassland, paying
Dottoly places an action cube under Play Bird
Dottoly may undo up to this point
PastaPaulus moves action cube to the beginning of the Gozd and ends their turn
PastaPaulus may undo up to this point
Hermit Thrush:
Dottoly takes food from the birdfeeder
3/24/2025 12:04 AM
Hermit Thrush:
PastaPaulus takes food from the birdfeeder
PastaPaulus may undo up to this point
PastaPaulus rolls all dice in the birdfeeder
11:22 PM
Hermit Thrush:
Eleria107 takes food from the birdfeeder
09:48 PM
Indigo Bunting:
PastaPaulus takes food from the birdfeeder
PastaPaulus takes food from the birdfeeder
PastaPaulus may undo up to this point
PastaPaulus rolls all dice in the birdfeeder
PastaPaulus places an action cube in the Gozd
06:31 PM
PastaPaulus may undo up to this point
Eleria107 moves action cube to the beginning of the Gozd and ends their turn
Eleria107 may undo up to this point
Eleria107 may undo up to this point
Cooper's Hawk hunts Yellow-Rumped Warbler
Eleria107 takes food from the birdfeeder
Eleria107 places an action cube in the Gozd
05:42 PM
Eleria107 may undo up to this point
Eastern Kingbird:
Dottoly gains food from supply
Vicktory1337 plays
White-Breasted Nuthatch in Gozd, paying
Vicktory1337 places an action cube under Play Bird
01:54 PM
Vicktory1337 may undo up to this point
Dottoly moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
Violet-Green Swallow:
Dottoly draws Barn Swallow from the tray
Violet-Green Swallow: Dottoly tucks a bird from their hand
House Finch:
Dottoly draws Carolina Wren from the tray
House Finch: Dottoly tucks a bird from their hand
01:48 PM
Dottoly may undo up to this point
American Avocet lays an egg in PastaPaulus's wildlife preserve
3/23/2025 01:44 PM
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